Columbia English Proficiency Waiver?

Hi all!

I am applying for this spring, and I have previous undergraduate experience in Parsons for 2 years, since I have been in professional field in NY. When I applied to Parsons, my TOEFL score was 111, which was taken 4 years ago. I have never thought that my English would be a problem, ever in life, as I have studied in English speaking countries since I was a little kid. Having almost 10 years of time spent in English speaking environments.

Well, I took the Duolingo and they gave me 115… and score of 120+ is required to be eligible to apply. Well, I dont have enough time to retake, and already completed all other than English Proficiency Test.

Is anyone familiar with such situations?

Do CU provide waivers for these tests?

There are lots of other great educational opportunities in the NYC area and I am sure you can assure your dreams. But I think the answer is no. A high level of formal and colloquial English proficiency is essential to making Columbia a worthwhile experience. Many classes are small and discussion based and University Writing is a challenge for many native English-speaking non-humanities students. You need to be able to understand, participate, and contribute to intense academic conversations in rapid and idiomatic English. It is not unusual to have hundreds of paging of reading assigned every week. And to be totally honest, no instructor of a Core course would give a passing grade to a paper written with the grammar used in your post.