Columbia Summer Immersion Program- Intro to Programming in C

So I’m currently a freshman and I am considering applying to Columbia’s 3-Week Summer Emersion Program, specifically to their Computer Science courses but the application states that I should “describe any preparation I have, academic or otherwise, for the course option(s) for which I am applying”. It also states that Computer Science applicants should " specify which computer programming languages they are already familiar with and to what extent." Although I am strong academically, and I am particularly strong in mathematics and science, I don’t have any experience with computer programming yet (though I am learning some basics online but I wouldn’t consider this anything formal by any means.) Regardless, I am passionate about Computer Science and it is a field I would very much aspire to pursue but, I don’t exactly know how to go about my application without experience. Thoughts?

You may read up on Computer Science, borrow books from your local Library. That should help with the application process.