Columbia Supplement #6 Question

<p>So the question is: Please tell us what you found meaningful about one of the above mentioned books, publications or cultural events. (300 words or less).
But, they asked for shows, movies, and other entertainment, so can I write about a tv show? I really want to write about Breaking Bad (as in already wrote an essay and don't want to scrap it.)</p>

<p>I have the same question… does anyone know the answer? Thanks!</p>

<p>It sounds extremely odd, but I think a TV show would be fine under the category of cultural event. Here’s my reasoning: </p>

<p>In the questioned mentioned by the OP, it says “books, publications or cultural events”. The books covers supplement questions 2 and 3 about books, the publications covers question 4 about publications, so naturally cultural events encompasses question 5 which involves POP CULTURE events. </p>

<p>Anyways I see nothing wrong about writing about Breaking Bad! (Fantastic show by the way)</p>