Do you guys think they’re going to accept more transfers or fewer transfers this year? I’m so worried

I said this above in my prior response, but I think that places like Columbia will probably accept at most their normal number pre-COVID, but most likely less. They over-admitted last year (freshman class of 2024), and Columbia’s volume of transfer spots is tied closely to how much space they currently have (unlike places like Cornell and Vanderbilt that have the capacity to increase the size of their graduating classes beyond the freshman year). I doubt there was much attrition from the student body this past year, or at least any more than normal.

Regardless of how many spots there are available, there is no doubt a much larger applicant pool that in years past, so the acceptance rate will be lower than their typical 6% for transfers. How much lower, I do not know. But, this past week Duke released results and it seemed like considerably less people were accepted that normal. I thought I saw a figure somewhere on Reddit that amounted to a 2-3% transfer acceptance rate, but I can’t seem to find it to make sure. This is probably the most similar school to Columbia in terms of prestige that has completed all decisions thus far, so I think it might give a good indicator as to how things are going to shake out. Brown and JHU are coming out soon (next week, I think) so that will give us some more data points as to what to expect.


@derakiii33, you didn’t apply to Duke?

My son got accepted into Duke last Thursday. They admitted 50 students over 1600 applications, equals 3% acceptance rate. I think they accepted normal number of transfers, but the pool is much bigger this year, the typical trend this year.

I think Columbia will admit similar number of transfers, but the pool will be much bigger.

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Congratulations to your son! No, I did not apply as I ran out of time to finish the application on March 15, and I was rejected last year so it was very low in priority of places to take a shot at.

That makes sense to me. You are probably correct that the lower acceptance rates will be more indicative of a boom in applications. But, there are places that will likely have fewer spots than usual. Scripps (not on the level of universities we are discussing, but still a very selective LAC) recently announced that they are unable to accept any transfers this year because they just don’t have space. Unfortunate for anyone that applied, but at least they refunded everyone’s application fees.

Thank you! Actually my son was rejected by Duke last year as well. So you never know.

Another example that puts this year’s transfer acceptances into a larger perspective is Georgetown University. I was accepted yesterday and in the letter, it stated that only 50 out of 2600 transfer applicants were accepted. This brings Georgetown’s transfer acceptance rate to 1.9% which is significantly lower than in past years. No one knows why this drop occurred, but in past years Georgetown did accept around 200-300 transfers.

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I got accepted to Georgetown yesterday as well and I’m pretty sure they said they are looking to fill 50 spots (not accept 50 students) so the number is probably more like 80-100ish acceptances (still definitely lower than last year)

I doubt it would be as high as 100. Maybe 60-80 would be a better estimate–I would assume that the yield for transfer students is quite high.

Columbia usually accepts 160 students though. Keep in mind it isn’t as selective like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton (6% vs 2%)


Does that number include people accepted to GS? If it does, then that means the acceptance rate to CC and Fu would be around 3-4%

hi! i was accepted to georgetown yesterday as well. do you know if we have a groupchat? also, do you happen to know when finaid packages are sent out?

Doubt the numbers accepted would be anything that high. Columbia College numbers are indeed as selective as HYP for some years now.

Are you trying to get in ?

Columbia admissions web site faq says usually they take 150 over 2600 applications. So his/her number is correct. But the pool is gonna be bigger this time. That number should be only for CAS and SEAS.

Columbia says they intentionally leave spots for transfers so it’s not like HYP which mostly take 10-20 CC and veteran transfers.


@derakiii33, between Columbia and Duke, which one are you going to pick?

Might be a bit “controversial”, but I’d pick Duke. I don’t think I’d be able to thrive in a place like Columbia.

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Duke definitely has more of a laid-back vibe and more of a party culture from what I hear so depending on your personality picking Duke over Columbia could totally make sense.

I get what you’re saying, I turned down an acceptance from UCSD as a high school senior(which is hard to get into if ur not coming from a CC) to go to St. John’s which is easier to get into and more laid back. Obv it didn’t work out how I planned because I’m transferring but I don’t regret my decision at all. “Ivy league” means nothing more than a pretty crappy athletic league. Do what’s best for your personal growth!

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“Are you trying to get in?” Why else would I even be on this thread?


It does not include GS, GS is like 35% on their own

Congratulations to your son! Had Duke tell you a date that you have to make a decision by? I would assume Columbia would need to release the transfer admission before that date?