Oooof, my SAT is even worse but I hope they don’t look at it with too much focus. :((

Also I did submit my final transcript. They said you should if it’s available

Although I must say I’m very worried but God is by my side.

My recommendation came from a dean from another school in New Jersey and my professors who were great. My gpa is a 3.9 my highschool is like 4.2.
A lot of ECs. I’m a certified phlebotomist so I’m already in the field for my major. My letter was about being black and my dad having cancer and how that stemmed my focus into the med field.

I really hope I’m good enough for Columbia. It will put me on such a good track to continue to be the best I can be and make my family and myself proud!!!
Lol this is a lot

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you’re amazing!!!

We got this. :heart::heart:

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Hi there! I am currently a college freshman who has applied as a sophomore transfer. I got top grades in HS, but my ACT sucked. I have a 4.0 in college after 30 credits, with 10/10 essays and strong recommendations. My EC were average. I’m an underrepresented, low income applicant. I’m wondering how much you weight you all think give an applicants ACT for transfer applicants with strong grades.

Lol seems like we’re literally such awesome applicants! They said they take a holistic approach so hopefully with everything else being strong you’ll Make it.


I have been rejected from 5/5 schools, even the ones who didn’t want ACT/SAT. Just don’t know what they want.

With amazing stats like that? Woah. Everything is really just a game.

Friday is near! Let’s stay hopeful. We will be some of the 100 chosen!
Manifest it
Claim it


Wow! Do they really only take 100? Yikes!

Yeah lol. It’s crazy maybe a little more than 100 but around that amount


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yea someone got into barnard with a 3.5. i really think theyre holistic


its too late, theyre releasing decisions on friday

Too late for what?

if you click the reply, you can see what i replied to. the person was asking if they should update their final grades to columbia

Ahh! Ok! Sorry:) I’m a newbie lol

its okie no worries.

Do ya’ll think there will be a lot of waitlists this year? or how does that work :blush:

I think the University of Pennsylvania takes almost 200 with the same amount of applicants. I got rejected from them tonight, so I probably have no shot with Columbia LOL!

dont say that, keep your head high! i got into yale (they took 20 people) but i also got rejected from upenn tonight! its really a toss up and no one can expect anything