I am a current rising senior at a LAC studying Math/Econ.
I am looking into the 4+2 combined plan at Columbia University to study Operations Research.
I am pretty sure that I will get admitted to the program because I have all A’s and A-'s for all the requirement courses so far. I am also sure that I will get a minimum B for all the requirement courses that I am going to take in my senior year.
My only concern is of financial aid. I already have a lot of student loans from my current college and do not really want to accumulate them even more by attending two extra years at Columbia. I do have a green card so I am pretty sure I can get some form of aid from Columbia. I also do realize that it varies from individual to individual, but has anyone decided not to attend Columbia combined plan because of the lack of aid or something similar? Does anyone know if Columbia is generous for their combined plan students’ financial aid? Is it true that once you get accepted to Columbia, your financial situation shouldn’t be a problem?
Any input would be very appreciated.