Come & Say Hi to Obama!

<p>Details</a> on President Obama?s Library Mall event: If you live, work or study around Library Mall (Sept. 24, 2010)</p>

<p>It’s going to be packed tomorrow for Library Mall. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t do it in the Kohl Center of Camp Randall or something. I’m guessing they will run out of room and have to turn people away or something, but we’ll see. Plan on getting there at 2:30 so hopefully will be able to get a good spot!</p>

<p>Obama was at the Kohl center (seats 17,000) the last time he came to campus. However the people on his side arranging this visit wanted the picturesque Library Mall backdrop for the visual impact. I heard that UW would have preferred the Kohl center for many reasons. The satellite trucks will be parked all up Langdon Street. The lower half of State Street will be closed and buses rerouted.</p>

<p>He was amazing, so awesome that we get to be a part of that</p>

<p>Ya very happy I went, was a really good time besides not being able to see all the time because of the mosh pit haha.</p>

<p>My biggest issue with the whole thing was lack of guidance and direction with the fricking line. I got there at 1:30 to wait in line and was already all the way down to charter which was fine with me. However about three hours later as I got to Park and University I see TONS of people cutting in! That was ******** and no cops or attendants were doing a thing to stop it. Just be respectful and wait in line like everyone else…</p>

<p>So besides that rant I really enjoyed it and thought Obama did a good job. The little Packers joke was pretty funny too :)</p>

<p>It was so packed, oh gosh. I thought it wasn’t so worth it if you didn’t get to really see him. I had friends in the front row, but I had a midterm until 3, so I got there kind of late, and then I didn’t really get to see much. I only saw Obama for like ten minutes, but it was still really cool! :D</p>

<p>Very intriguing words by Mr. Obama. He has an incredible talent, and knows how to work a crowd. Great experience.</p>

<p>Now- get out and vote in November!</p>

<p>As one student said, "I probably won’t remember my accounting class today but when I’m 40 I’ll remember this. "</p>

<p>I went to a number of such rallies for candidates for President from John V Lindsay to some wacky socialists (Angela Davis??) I do not remember. It’s part of why you go to a place like UW. Always something interesting happening outside the classrooms.</p>

<p>I skipped a landscape architecture discussion, but it had to be done, haha. I am so surprised more TA’s and professors didn’t reschedule their classes. </p>

<p>The biggest problem was… I got to see a nice gray box the whole time. The general area where I was standing all we could see was the freaking teleprompter. Literally it perfectly covered the faces of everyone from the neck up, it was as if it was photoshopped. Luckily Obama would step out a few times and look at us so I was able to get a few pics.</p>

<p>hmm, 40,000 plus students, add faculty, staff plus general public… if they cancelled classes students would have demanded the ability to be there and couldn’t be accomodated. Also- political nature of visit - UW website had a reminder about policy on employees and politics in classroom. Accepting your absence to attend is one thing, prohibiting others from getting their class time is another, therefore no cancellations. Those who dislike Obama (yes, they do exist in this state) and those who didn’t care to see him deserved to get their classes. I’m willing to bet no one will penalize anyone for missing class.</p>

<p>^^^^This is the wisest course of action. While most UW professors are probably Obama supporters, political favoritism is not a proper stance for an academic institution. My son attended and found the “rally” interesting and exciting. </p>

<p>One more reason I am happy to say that my kid goes to the U of Wisconsin!</p>



<p>Oh gosh I forgot about that haha, that darn gray box was in front of everyone’s face besides Ben Harper… Nothing they can do about it I guess just a pretty big annoyance to those unfortunate enough to be lined up behind it.</p>