Comm major wanting to go to grad school in Psych

<p>I am currently a third-year Communications Studies student at UCLA so I will be graduating next year, 2011. I have a bit of a unique situation in that I am thinking (as of very recently) of going to graduate school for Psychology. While I wish I had figured this out earlier, I would be fine with taking a year off to prepare for the GRE and get more psychology research experience.</p>

<p>I was wondering what my chances are (if any) at this point of getting in to a decent Psychology MA program as a Communications Studies major with a limited background in Psychology? I have a 3.7 GPA, no psychology research experience yet (although I have been working at a research institute on campus that does education-related research in the fields of sociology, education, etc.), and no idea who I would get letters of recommendation from since very few of my classes have been in the Psychology department. I know that programs do accept students who have BA's in areas other than Psychology, but I am nowhere near as prepared to apply as I would normally be if this was something I had been planning on doing since Freshman or Sophomore year...</p>

<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated!</p>