Common App Answer

<p>Can you edit and help my answer to this question anyway possible?
Please elaborate on of your previous extra curricular activities.
My answer:
The first time in school history last year my 4x400 relay team for track and field made it to Divisionals trails. Divisionals is a big thing for track athletes as it is for any sport. My relay team was the known underdog in the race and no one one expected us to make it past trials because of the time we had going into the race. Despite the lack of hope everyone else had in us we felt that we had what it takes to make it to Finals the next day. Only 9 teams out of the division make it to this meet and only 8 advance to the next meet, finals. In my relay team I am the 4th leg also know as the "anchor", one of the most important legs on the relay considering that they are literally the ones who either win or lose the race for the team. So the race has starts and we are in last place, my 2 other teammates are starting to get a little nervous but I tell them that we have been working all year for this chance and we deserve that spot to finals. The first leg hands the baton of to the second leg and he takes off like never before. He manages to end up in 5th place and hands the baton of to the next leg. Now this is where I started to get nervous because I know I'm up next. Our third leg loses the 5th place position and takes back into last where we hoped see again. My mind is going crazy knowing that if I don't pass up at least 1 person that our season will be all over with. I take the baton from our third leg and take off down the curve, at this point everything feels like a dream. I can hear my team screaming my name and my coach screaming to go get him. Finally we are at the top of the second curve and I'm still in last place. The second curve and the last straight away really makes or breaks the race when it comes to the 400. My vision is blurry at this point from how hard I have been pushing to keep up but I managed to muster up the last of my strength. I forced my body into a dead sprint as I am sprinting with the last of my energy I can hear the crowd screaming. Not only for me but for the athletes running in front of me to warn them I'm coming. I end up passing up 2 of the athletes who were and front of us and secure us a 7th place spot in trials which would get us to finals. My team was overwhelmed. My coaches came running down the steps to congratulate us with good news. We broke the 4x400 record and were the first 4x400 team in Rosemont history to make it to Finals.</p>