Common App Essay

<p>I've heard from many different sources that the 500-word limit on the essay portion Common App is more of a guideline, yet I've also heard that it's a strict limit. Anyone know how UM interprets this? I have a REALLY good essay that relates very well to what I'm interested in, yet it's 650 words. I used it for my National Merit application. There's still room for cutting, but I don't want to cut it down TOO much for fear of ruining the integrity of the essay itself. Anyone have any thoughts?</p>

<p>My D has worked VERY hard to get hers to 500 words. I read somewhere (though don’t recall where) that with everything being digital they can simply stop reading at word 500. She heard the same thing. YMMV</p>

<p>I don’t know the official policy on this, but if I’m in the admissions office and I’m reading a really good essay, I’m going to make the investment of ~30 more seconds to read those extra 150 words (it just took me ~15 seconds to read your thread starter which is about 90 words).
Just MHO,

<p>I’d love to think you’re right Zinc, I just wonder if you were reading 5,000 applications if you’d really want to give an extra 30 seconds to each one. Wouldn’t want to take a chance they miss the bang-up finish!</p>

<p>Just read this in NY Times yesterday:
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