I’m a rising senior and I’ve finished an essay about pen spinning. I was very hesitant to write an essay about this topic because admission officers likely (I think) will not like it. I mean, it’s just pen spinning, right? What are your thoughts on using this topic in my CA essay? Yes, no, maybe so?
I’m pretty sure the common app allows you to send/attach addition materials like pdfs and such but I’m not sure about videos. Also I’d just like to say that since you’re hesitant about your essay/aren’t sure they’ll like it have you considered writing about a different topic or maybe giving the essay to one of your English teachers to read and critique. I always say it’s good to go with your gut and if your gut is against the essay maybe you should write about something else.
Well tbh I’m like the essay, but my parents don’t like it. My guidance counselor likes the idea tho…It’s just the conflicting views from my parents that are making me hesitant about using it.
I would go with what your counselor is saying. Although your parents do want what’s best for you a counselor knows more what colleges want and are looking for, as it’s their job to be up to speed on what colleges are looking for. Your parents may not be as up to speed as your counselor.