<p>[From the common app website:
You must meet at least one of the following indicators of economic need:
You have received or are eligible to receive an ACT or SAT testing fee waiver.
You are enrolled in or eligible to participate in the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch program (FRPL).
Your annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
You are enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g., TRIO programs such as Upward Bound).
Your family receives public assistance.
You live in a federally subsidized public housing, a foster home or are homeless.
You are a ward of the state or an orphan.
You can provide a supporting statement from a school official, college access counselor, financial aid officer, or community leader. ]</p>
<p>So I'm in the free lunch program, so I qualify for the fee waiver directly and I can tick that box.
Also, even though I havent gotten a SAT fee waiver, I know I qualify because, again, I'm in the free lunch program. So. another box ticked.</p>
<p>Does this mean that all the colleges on my dashboard aare autamitcally aware of my situation and wont charge me anything (do I get automatic fee waivers for ALL the colleges?)
Kind of confused, because, for example, Dartmouth says specifically on their questions section that I can only apply for a fee waiver if I receive an email directly from them, which I havent. Yet, according to their website, I DO qualify, because, again, Im in the free lunch program.</p>
<p>Im not usually this shallow/stingy (I think I live a rather comfortable life), but if I dont have to pay a single cent for college apps, I mean, why not?</p>
<p>How exactly does this work?
any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks ;))</p>
<p>If you qualify for free lunch, you should get a fee waiver for SAT/ACT which means you also qualify for four college application fee waivers from collegeboard. You should go on your collegeboard account to print out your fee waivers.
Common app would ask if you qualify for a fee waiver and you should check yes for this question. For me, I gave my fee waivers to my counselor to verify and send it to the colleges. Once the colleges receive the fee waiver, the app fee is paid.</p>
<p>All common app schools accept the common app fee waiver and there is no limit to the number of apps as far as I am aware. Your counselor will need to do a little paperwork for the CA, but I think only once. </p>
<p>The College Board or NACAC fee waivers can be used for non-CA schools if you are applying to any.</p>
<p>You will need to pay to send more than your 4 additional SAT scores, ALL of your ACT scores beyond the ones that come included with the test, and for the CSS Profile if you send it to more than 8 schools. So applying isn’t exactly free, but the waivers are there for low income families who wouldn’t otherwise apply to many (any?) schools.</p>
<p>Thank you ohmomof and sunrise for your speedy responses
helped clear out my confusion</p>
<p>good to know I wont be paying for CA waivers, only for CSS and for SAT registration/sending</p>
<p>Happy holidays :)</p>
<p>Well you get two free SAT tests too, with 4 free sends each (if you send before you get the score) and 4 total when you know the score. ACT isn’t as generous.</p>
<p>hmm yeah, but Im only have the subject test left to register for, and I dont really want to ask my GC for one, lol, todays the last day of school and Im sure hes busy enough.
And I think Ill have to pay to send the Jan scores ( the ones beyond the 4 free sends), so thats about 10 I believe.
I dont believe thatll be a problem esp when we’re saving so much already with the CA waiver
<p>thanks :)</p>