Common App Mishap

<p>This morning, while printing up a copy of my Common App and RD Harvard Supplement for my school's director, I noticed a sliiiiight error:</p>

<p>I accidently put my 2nd essay in the space for Disciplinary Action!</p>

<p>Gah. Of course, I died on the spot.</p>

<p>After I was revived, I shot an email to Harvard explaining the mistake.</p>

<p>But, I'm still freaking out. I double-checked my application before I sent them off, I don't know how I could have missed this. I'm horrified, what if Harvard holds my mistake against me in some way?</p>

<p>What do you think, have I shot myself in the leg, or this only a minor bump?</p>

<p>I don't think it matters. You no doubt did mark off "No" for any disciplinary actions. That and reading the content of your essay you uploaded will quickly make them see it was an honest mistake. I'm sure lots of people make all sorts of little mistakes in the app. They will understand. You'll be fine.</p>