Common App vs school's website guidance on optional recommendations?

In the Common App, many schools show the opportunity to include optional teacher recommendations and/or optional non-academic recommendations. These sometimes are more “generous” that what the college’s own website lists as application requirements.

If the Common App allows optional recommendations for a specific school, and each recommendation does speak to a materially different and relevant view of my candidacy, what are the do’s and don’ts to know if/when to include them?

If the common app and website don’t match wrt LoR guidance, clarify with your AO at each school where you see this disconnect.

Include LoRs that offer a ‘materially different’ and/or ‘relevant view of you candidacy’ if the school allows extra LoRs. But be realistic and critical as to whether these LoRs really offer some additional perspective that is of value…perhaps ask your HS GC for guidance. Don’t replace a required teacher LoR with one of the ‘other’ LoRs.

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