Communication Studies UC/CSU

<p>I've been trying to do some reaseach on some UCs and CSUs to find the best communication department. </p>

<p>Which colleges are good to look at</p>

<p>@futurestudent14: For the UC’s, I would look at UCLA/UCB/UCSD and for the Cal States, I would look at Cal Poly SLO, SDSU, CSU Fullerton and SJSU. What are your STATs?? You might want to consider a few privates such as Chapman or USC, if they are affordable.</p>

<p>UCLA has a very good Comm department, but you can’t declare for it until after your soph year, and it’s tough to gain entry to it. The standard of entry later means that the average student from the department will graduate with honors, based on data for the 2009 graduates > 3.5 average. </p>

<p>Depending on what you want, the CSU’s might have more of the broadcast comm or journalism majors that you might be seeking.</p>

<p>Let me add…</p>

<p>Further, most of UCLA Comm grads tend to aspire to law school, or management school, or if straight work, public relations, marketing, advertising. Not as many aspire to broadcast journalism, though there are a few. The major, seems to be predominantly female, at least 3:1 (and might I add: HOT).</p>