Community College courses in UC GPA

<p>I know that if you take a community college course and your school allows that course to show up on your transcripts, that only one semester of the community college course will be factored into your UC GPA. But you will receive credit for taking a year long course, even though you took it over the summer. My question is what if you received an A first semester and then a B second semester or do community college courses only have one final grade?</p>

<p>Community college courses only have one final grade. Usually, the courses go by semester. So say you get an A in the course, your high school should give you credit for an A both semesters. Or at least that’s how it is at my school.</p>

<p>oh ok, thanks. I’ve never taken a community college course yet, so I was just wondering.</p>

<p>Even if your high school gives you credit for the whole year, the UCs will only calculate the grade in as one semester for the GPA.</p>