Community College grade and UCs!

<p>Heres everything you need to know:</p>

<p>I have all the credits I need to go to a UC, all req’s are done( or being done), all electives are done.</p>

<p>On the UC app, my schedule is:
required class 1
required class 2
required class 3
required class 4
community college
community college
intro to robotics</p>

<p>my school, about a week after I submit my app, has my schedule as:</p>

<p>required class 1
required class 2
required class 3
required class 4
community college
intro to robotics</p>

<p>Heres my question. If I get a D or an F on one of the community college classes I am taking, can I still go to a UC? I am taking this class for fun, and is not needed to graduate or apply whatsoever. I can contact all my UC’s and tell them to change my schedule to include only 1 of the community college classes I am taking ( which I have an A in ).</p>

<p>If I still can get in, one more concern:
When I turn in the college transcript, it will have all my classes, including that bad grade. Will that affect me in any way?</p>

<p>DONT GET A D OR F IN ANY CLASS WHATSOEVER! Don’t even think about it, UC’s, even with transfer applicants, are very strict on getting good grades the year that you apply. It’s a condition in your admission to any UC to not get any grades below a C. I think UCLA and UCB also require you to get over a 3.0 GPA</p>

<p>Well, as long as your GPA is within the UC-acceptance range, I don’t think you’d have to worry. I mean, I got an F in my Intermediate Algebra course (which doesn’t transfer) and a D in my Biology lab class (which does transfer), and I was accepted into the UC Davis TAG program anyway because my GPA was within the UC-acceptance range. </p>

<p>But why not take that class on a P/NP grading option? Or have you already exceeded the maximum 14 semester units of P/NP?</p>