<p>I am graduating this summer as a junior (3 total years of HS) because I feel like I have a better chance to be admitted to UT Austin as a transfer student than from high school. I am top 15% and have a 2050 SAT and I would rather go to CC for a year and attend UT at regular time than to apply and have to CAP and waste a year in San Antonio. I plan on finishing atleast 30 hours at a local community college (NCTC) this upcoming year and I really expect to maintain a GPA of AT LEAST 3.8. I have decent essay writing skills and I have 2 letters of recommendations from HS teachers. I want to apply to the Nutrition Science in the College of Natural Sciences. Would a 3.8 almost guarantee me transfer admission to UT Austin, or would it be better to return to HS and apply next year and (probably) get CAPPED?</p>
<p><em>Oh and I do NOT care about the emotional or social aspect a true senior year in highschool</em> </p>
<p>There are zero guarantees in transfer admissions. That GPA would meet the guidelines but we see plenty of transfers that meet the requirements that are denied each year. Any reason you did not apply to UT this year for 2014 admittance? Had they CAPped you, you would be in the exact same place as you are heading and your admission would have been guaranteed.</p>
As someone who did the CC route, I would say that while I can’t stand being at a CC I think it is a good route to take. It’s cheap, the classes are small, and its fairly easy. I’m finishing my freshman year at a CC in San Antonio (which I don’t blame you for not wanting to “waste a year” here) and hopefully transferring to UT this fall. If you make sure to take all of the required courses for CNS (They have a calculus readiness requirement) I think you will have a great shot! Keep in mind that you MUST have 30 hours to transfer out of a CC, so when you go to make a schedule, schedule accordingly. Nobody can promise you that you will be guaranteed a spot at UT, it’s something you need to work hard for and prove to them that you belong there. I do strongly recommend that when you start working on your UT application that you see if there are any advisors in your area, I set up meetings every 2 weeks with the admissions office of San Antonio to make sure that all of my stuff was done right/ being turned in on time. They can answer almost any question you ask. Good luck, I wish you all the best. Hopefully you’ll be a longhorn one day! Hook 'em. </p>
<p>@saborak Thank you so much for your optimistic response! And since the transfer application deadline is in March, does it hurt my chances of acceptance if I am in the middle of completing my 30 hours in Spring semester of CC? </p>
<p>@collegeshopping well unfortunately I took my first SAT in January so I had already passed the UT application deadlin date. I think CC will be fine as long as I keep a high GPA and write good essays </p>
<p>I am currently in the middle of completing my 30 hours and the people i worked with said it will not effect your chances. If it did they wouldn’t offer you the option to apply with less than 30. You won’t find out until late may or early june and that will hurt you when it comes to finding living but if you’re anything like me, it won’t matter where you live just as long as you’re in. Plus, with a GPA like 3.8 you’re allowed to be confident that you’ll get in. That’s a good GPA and your chances seem really good. Don’t stress too much about it, just take it day by day. Time will fly by. If you want you can try to take summer courses you’re allowed 6 hours per summer session, and if you do that you can get 12 out of the way and then you can take how ever many you want fall semester to be closer to the 30 hours.</p>
<p>Do you have any AP credits by chance??</p>
<p>Unfortunately I only have an AP Psych credit. And I am signed up for Govt & Econ & an English in the summer at CC. And I plan on taking either 15 or 18 hours in the Fall. I’m not sure I’ll be able to finish 30 before March. When should I expect to get official acceptance/rejection if I don’t have the 30 before March? Thank you so much by the way, your responses are VERY helpful </p>
<p>When I called the Admissions office about when I would find out for this fall she said at least 2 weeks after i submit my final transcript which will be there around May 25th. So early June. Don’t rush in your hours, quality is better than quantity always remember that. I don’t mind helping others out, I was asking the same questions last year. :)</p>
<p>@saborak really appreciating the responses! And I am equally interested in being an Exercise Science/Kinesiology major in the College of Education. To maximize my chances of admittance, would it be smarter to put Excerise Science as my first choice major instead of nutritional science (CNS)? </p>
<p>I don’t know much about those particular majors, so I don’t want to give you false information. I don’t think either are really competitive though… </p>
<p>Hey @saborak. I am gonna take the AP Chem & AP Psych exams in May. The community college I will attend gives me 8 hours for Chem exam (score at least 3) and 3 hours for Psych exam (score at least 3). If I got these scores and got credit hours from my CC, would these 11 hours count for the required 30 hours to transfer to UT Austin?</p>
<p>UT is a bit weird when it comes to AP credits, but if they’re 11 hours on your CC transcript then they should transfer as 11 hours, you should call and double check that though. I don’t want to give you false information. </p>
<p>Here are the numbers to call, and locations if you wanted to set up a meeting!
<p><a href=“Contact Us | Undergraduate Admissions | The University of Texas at Austin”>Contact Us | Undergraduate Admissions | The University of Texas at Austin;
<p>OP make sure to finish your core at CC before coming to UT. UT adds a bunch of unnecessary classes to the core and if you don’t have your core finished they will make you take more classes. Also it is a very good route, I recommend you take as many as possible, even during summer and winter. Also ONLINE CLASSES, do them. SO EASY. </p>
<p>That’s not always true. I’m transferring without my core finished. Just make sure you don’t take any classes that won’t transfer because it will be a waste of time. </p>