Community College Transfer Student to a University of California School

Hello, I will be applying this fall for the UC’s. I carry a 4.0 grade point average, and I have done an internship, and some other extracurricular activities with my school. What I have not done is that I will not have any community service on my application. I look at the logic like this: If I try to do 50 hours of community service these next two months, how much will that really matter since 50 hours is not even a lot, and it would rather look like a pad to my application. What do you guys think? I think I will be fine for all UC’s besides Berkeley and UCLA, but even then, I have a decent chance of getting it. Will the community service decrease my chances of getting in, or will they view the other things I have done, and outweigh the community service?

I think the internship and other activities will check that box for you.
Of course, the top UCs can be finicky so, be sure to apply broadly.