Community college

<p>So the deal is that i will be considered as in state after a year so well seein my scores adn stuff i dnt think i will beable to get into a UC so
i am thinkin og attending a COmmunity college for 2 eyars and then applying for a transfer... can any1 here tell me that do they still look at Extra curricaluars and communty service for a transfer along with GPA as they look at applying to their univ b4?</p>

<p>You mean moving to California, attending a CC out of state for 2 years to establish residency, and then going to a UC? I would not recommend going to a community college at all if you can get into your state flagship, or even a "lesser" in-state public, as you won't really have a "college" experience. If you aren't happy at an instate school after 2 years, or you really want more prestige, you can still try to transfer.</p>

<p>Are you saying that your family is moving to California, and that you will be able to claim residence there after all of you have been in California for a year?</p>

<p>If that is the case, then living at home with your family at the new California address while studying at the local California Community College would make sense. You can live cheaply with them for two years, and complete a transfer program so that you move directly into one of the California public universities.</p>

<p>For more on the topic of transfer admission in general, and the California system in particular, you should go read the Transfer forum. You can find it by clicking on "Discussion Home" in the upper left of this screen, and then scrolling down.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>