<p>So, I have yet another question. My High school requires like 50 service hours to graduate. That's not bad at all and I have about 30. But that's not my question. I'm just looking for ideas on where to volunteer. I could easily go to the local animal shelter or library and knock them out but it would be nice if the volunteering i did interested me more. I'm want to go in to business, maybe finance, or economics, or maybe something else entirely. It seems everyone volunteers for what they want to do in college. People who are interested in veterinary school volunteer at the animal shelter, ect. For school, we can't volunteer for businesses or anything for-profit. This makes it a little hard to find somewhere I can volunteer for finance or economics. I have thought about maybe the area commerce center but I'm not sure if they'd have anything for me, ill have to call. But does anyone have any ideas? It seems to help if your volunteering some how influenced what you want to study or "changed your views."
I don't want to seem like I'm only volunteering for school and a college app, I just want to make the most of my time. I'm all for volunteering.
So, Any ideas or advice will help. Sorry my questions are so numerous and so long. Thanks for the help</p>
<p>Umm… I can’t really suggest a community service place that will change your views or anything (considering that that’s usually an added bonus to your volunteering it’s not a guaranteed thing though)
There’s a list that really helped me out:
<a href=“Mycollegecalendar.org”>Mycollegecalendar.org;
On the second page is a list of community service ideas you can do. They are separated by category (i.e. Animal Care, Teaching, etc.)
I do suggest doing something towards what you would like to study in college, but it’s also great to do something that sounds interesting to you because you never know, you might love it, and you’ll also have a new experience to write about.</p>
<p>I can’t really suggest anything except trying to start your own volunteer project. My friend actually started an orchestra program at her school to teach kids how to play string instruments. She then expanded it to also teach middle school kids and a few elderly people how to play violin and viola. I volunteered to help instruct on cello over the summer. </p>
<p>What you do doesn’t necessarily have to apply to what you plan to major in. Actually, Do Something is a great place to look for project ideas for certain causes:
[Find</a> Your Cause | Do Something](<a href=“http://www.dosomething.org/causes]Find”>http://www.dosomething.org/causes)
I suggest you explore some causes, because you’re bound to find interest in one. My causes are music education and racial/religious discrimination, and when I looked into them, I started my own projects for each. Starting your own project also puts you into a leadership position, which is kudos for college application. But again, make sure you do it because you WANT to, not to look good. Like WritingonStars said, you never know what you might find yourself enjoying.</p>