<p>fordham is almost a perfect fit for me. however my, and my parents', one concern is that my parents have heard it has a reputation as a commuter school. does anyone have an opinion on this facet? is there a lack of community at fordham? are the majority of students new yorkers and/or commuters?</p>
<p>all answers are appreciated! thanks so much.</p>
<p>p.s. i am interested in lincoln center campus.</p>
<p>From what I’ve learned Fordham used to be known as a commuter school, but they’ve really worked to improve that. Now only 28% of students commute, the other 72% live on campus. However, most of the commuters go to the Lincoln Center campus, so that percentage will seem a lot higher. But students I’ve spoken to on both campuses seem to have a strong sense of community. At LC you may just have to put more effort into finding it.</p>
<p>there are definitely a lot of commuters at rose hill. and most students live pretty close by in the tri-state area. what this means is that they get the chance to go home often, and they do. on weekends it seems like the campus is dead sometimes though (not always, just sometimes). but that may be due to two reasons: 1) students go into the city and 2) students go home. so take that for what it’s worth.</p>
<p>if you live on campus though you won’t be facing much of a problem. it’s only if you commute that it becomes more difficult (though not impossible) to be active on campus and meet people since most of the interactions seem to start off in the dorms.</p>