Commuting from Livonia to University of Michigan? Next best schools to Michigan?

What about commuting from northville or Plymouth within a good distance from pontiac trail and m 14?any fellow western detroit suburbs commuters?
30 min plus a guarenteed spot in ann arbor by renting a private near campus parking lot? There’s also that park and ride stop for tje aata buses at the m14 and Plymouth road interchange.

VLAD had it good in that it was blue buses he took. The white buses aren’t available during late hours and you can always call saferide to take you to a commuter lot but not the aata lots.

Park & Ride is actually at 23 and Plymouth.

As I said a year ago when this was originally posted:

Whoops, yeah 23, but coming from Plymouth, you take m14 and i automatically know to get on 23 but I’m used to calling it all just m14 lol, I know exactly where that spot is but sorry for the confusion.

If parking isn’t an issue because I can park at a friends apartment right on campus or if I rent a spot in campus or park at a meter, then how’s a half hour highway drive?

The thing is, though, I like Ann Arbor and I feel like you miss out a lot by not being in pretty much the most dynamic city in all of michigan

is it reasonable if I were to stay on campus till like 1am, drive back and wake up at 7am to get back on campus by 8 or would that be really exhausting since things die down between 1am and 8am and I want to experience the college experience so could i still experience campus life if i commute but leave late and arrive rather early?

A bad part about commuting is tickets, parking tickets, traffic tickets due to no turn signs and speeding kind of adds up and gas ain’t cheap either as well as wear and tear on your car. My oarents live about 18 miles away from campus

Not everyone likes Ann Arbor. My partner and I deliberately chose not to live here.

For traditional undergrads, I’d recommend living on or near campus if possible just because it’s easier to integrate into the undergrad community that way.

The funny thing is, we like in down and my D still stay in the dorm. There are practical reasons for that. She is having another 8pm-10pm exam tonight.