Compiling a blog for all this information!

<p>I've discovered that this forum is absolutely AWESOME. It's got so much information and a lot of people helping it grow with their own experience. </p>

<p>One bad thing is that there are bits and pieces everywhere... </p>

<p>soo... I've decided to start a blog to start gathering the bits and pieces together. It's also got a bit of outlines I've gathered, but hopefully, I can salvage all the useful information and gather it for everyone! </p>

<p>Err...comments and reminders for things I'm missing welcome =) </p>

<p>I'm starting with the APs, but going to move onto SATs soon! </p>

<p> </p>


<p>Most of the stuff from this forum is under AP Tips. =) </p>

<p>Does anybody have any plan to organize all the information? XD</p>

<p>I have recommended sites:</p>

this site.</p>

<p>Any other "excellent" sites?</p>


<p>Feedback on the blog? (Is it a complete waste of my time?) – I’ll add more as SOON as I take my first AP exams =P</p>

<p>And I’m posting my notes up there, but you wouldn’t read them right? =P</p>

<p>[AP</a> SAT Central](<a href=“”></p>

<p>Very useful. You need any help with the blog?</p>