Complete ALL Fafsa info?

<p>I will be on a substantial scholarship in the fall. when browsing through the mybama webpage, there was a section about financial aid. there was a box with three lists:
Household size verification
parent verification
Federal Student Financial Aid Student Data info</p>

<p>The first two are incomplete and the final is done. My family has a business manager send in all the information, and my mother is wondering if it is necessary for her to send in the first two paperwork info? Neither of us have received information about it needing to be sent in, I just don’t want it to affect my scholarship. Normally, I’d just send it in to be sure, but my mother doesn’t really know any of the information.
Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>If you got a merit scholarship from Bama, then FAFSA isn’t needed at all for that.</p>

<p>What “substantial scholarship” did you get? </p>

<p>As for the questions, you need to send an email to the FA office to find out what they still need for your FAFSA. It sounds like you have some verification requests. Do you have a sibling in college? In grad school? Are there non-parent adults in the home that are being counted on your FAFSA?</p>

<p>Be sure to include your CWID.</p>

<p>If you’re not looking to get financial aid (pell grant, stafford loan, plus loan) then you don’t need to send those in.</p>

<p>If you are, then the forms are very simple to fill out. They can be downloaded and printed right from the UA financial aid web page. Go to this link [Financial</a> Aid - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Financial”> and click forms on the left hand side. Both of those forms are very simple and I’m sure your mom can answer the few questions on there. Especially the household size verification form.</p>

<p>The household size form in just like it says. All they want to know is how many people live in your house that your parents support financially. This isn’t necessarily the same number as their dependents they list on their tax return. Even those who aren’t listed as dependents can still be included in your household size if your parents support them primarily. </p>

<p>The parent verification is simply filled out by looking on their tax return for the various answers. They’ll need to submit a copy of their tax return with the form.</p>

<p>Congratulations on your scholarship!</p>