<p>polarscribe…Obviously, a connection to the real world has completely flown right over your head. As with every other liberal who believes in a complete “entitlement” society, you try to act as if our country exists in a vacuum where the wars we prosecute are unnecessary dalliances fought solely for the wasting of taxpayer dollars. What color is the sky in your world?? Whether you choose to accept the fact or not, our current way of life would not exist if not for the wars fought in the past or the wars currently being fought. You may be naive enough to believe that there aren’t forces in this world which are kept at bay by the tax dollars spent keeping our military trained and equipped, but anyone with a teaspoon of common sense knows better. In any case, those of us who have served and those who will serve in the future will continue to protect your right and preserve your ability to speak your mind. Whether you choose to acknowledge and/or respect those that do is immaterial…you’re welcome.</p>
<p>I think it was yesterday that on NPR, a lawyer from Texas was saying that we really don’t need as many college students. Fifty+ years ago having a high school diploma meant a lot more than it does today and that back then, more people were prepped in technical skills, and today the jobs for those technical skills are going overseas instead.</p>
<p>OP: There are many options that do not include a four year degree from a state U or private college. A vocational or technical school can give your child a marketable skill in 1 to 2 years. You and your kids chose the route from numerous paths. If you do not want to fund a four year degree, then don’t. Plenty of people do just fine without a BA in Anthropology or Music or whatever.</p>
<p>Re vocational training:</p>
<p>One of my nieces didn’t want to spend years in college, so she enrolled in a two year AAS program to train as a medical assistant. After a year and a half of classes, she was placed in a paid internship for about a semester, and was immediately hired by that clinic upon graduation. Along about the same time she started dating an apprentice pipe-fitter who she met through her church young adult group. At the ages of 20 and 21 They already have bought their first home, and it will be completely painted, renovated, and ready to move into after they get married this summer.</p>
<p>It will be a while before my nephew-in-law-to-be reaches journeyman and master status in his profession, but he will never lack for work. If my niece wants to advance in her career, it is almost certain that the medical group where she works will pay for that further education. In many, many ways they are well ahead of their HS classmates who chose to follow the 4+ years of college route.</p>
<p>OP, I agree that college is way too expensive. And I disagree that everyone has a community college nearby because some people live in rural areas, without public transportation. (That said, online options are expanding.) However, I am thankful for Pell Grants and even student loans. As maligned as student loans are, it makes sense that the govt expects people receiving a college education to pay back some of what has been given to them. </p>
<p>I think that top students tend to have options (if they’re willing to follow the money) but it is much harder for bright kids who are not at the top of their class. Honestly, though, I don’t know if the govt is at fault. It does seem to me that we require very little accountability from colleges that are constantly increasing their prices. The facilities at some colleges are amazing. Many colleges have an incredible amount of staff and there are schools that inflate their price so they can turn around and give a huge percentage ‘merit scholarships.’ Many times, a regional mediocre college costs just as much as a respected school.</p>
<p>With all due respect, I’d rather see funding go to K-12 education FIRST.
Our state has a mandate for K-12 education- in our district about $13,000 for each student from state/federal & local funding- not that all that gets to the classroom.</p>
<p>Our higher ed has no such mandate & before the new budget is released, only about $6,000 per student is available, I expect there will be big cuts to that.</p>
<p>I will also say that neither I nor my H have a 4 yr degree & it has been very hard to raise a family with that limitation.
I think that a college degree is as necessary as a high school diploma was 30 years ago.
Perhaps not for skills or knowledge, but because without that piece of paper, many doors will be shut to you.</p>
<p>Young people looking to earn a degree can approach it a number of different ways to save money, work for a firm that will reimburse you for your studies, join the military, go over a period of years to spread out the costs- etc.</p>
<p>I would agree that for young people in their 20s who undertake an apprenticeship- or other vocational training, they can be doing quite well financially & career wise compared to their peers straight out of school- but unless you are prepared to eventually work for yourself & not be dependent on attaining the degree that many employers want, you will probably find that you hit the ceiling fairly early.</p>
<p>My grandfather was a pipe fitter for Boeing, with only an 8th grade education & did quite well financially, both he & my grandmother were frugal as heck ( paid cash for their home) & only had one child.
My H is a specialist in tools/ composite materials with a high school education, & has found that limits him to physical labor to a degree that his body can’t really take anymore. </p>
<p>The difference between entry level & top of your pay grade, is not really that much- he has to train /supervise people because he is the only one that knows his particular piece, but they can’t give him the title/salary he deserves because he lacks the degree. ( but he hates to supervise people anyway)</p>
<p>OP-kjeavus, You are absolutly 100% right. I have been on here saying the same things for a while now. It is a shame that we can not come together as Americans and fight these issues.</p>
<p>rockvillemom: “OP - I am going to take a 180 degree opposite position from you. I believe it is MY responsibility as a parent to pay for my childrens’ education - not the government.”</p>
<p>the reason the US government spends most of our money on social security and medicare is because old people vote. The reason so little money goes to education is because parent-age and young people don’t vote.</p>
<p>If you want the government to invest more heavily in the younger generations, those with a stake in it will have to go to the polls at the same or higher percentage level as those in the AARP range. Until that happens, we will continue to spend most of our money on the elderly. The spoils go to the voters.</p>
<p>As for military spending. We’re just idiotic to run around the world spending money defending people who hate us…for free. The US spends upwards of 60% of military spending worldwide. Between those three things, you’ve pretty much used up the entire budget.</p>
<p>^As if your vote really matters. The op said it best, it doesn’t matter Rep,Dem, Lib or conservative,they are the only ones on the same page and that is, how can we make more money and get the tax payers to pay for it. One of those ways is to get every kid going to college and have the parents who will do what ever they can for their kids go into debt for it.</p>
<p>Also, I disagree with the idea that college is a privalege. It is a necessary-privelage. The buracrats made it a necessity and they are making it so only the privaleged can afford it. The ones that can’t afford it, they hang them out to dry on a student loan noose that they will most likely be indebted to the government for ever. Welcome one and all to American Greed! College The Scheme of all schemes.</p>
<p>Another thought: Doesn’t anyone think it’s strange that we’re in a system where people in their 20s are expected to be dependent on their parents?</p>
<p>People can go on and on about wars and social security. The reality is very few in DC really want to face the daunting task of cutting mandatory and defense spending.</p>
<p>Yes. I do think it is insane that colleges evaluate parents’ financials when determining how much they will charge for the “kid’s” education, and then publish myriad articles about the “problem” with helicopter parents. If it weren’t for helicopter parents, the cost of education would be much, much lower, due to demand. JMO.</p>
<p>And there are actually some places that don’t require citizens to pay for college tuition.</p>
<p>Examples: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and 11 of 16 states in Germany.
Tuition in France is not free, but is quite low at <$1K US/year.
Tuition in England is capped at 3225 pounds or approximately $5200/year.</p>
<p>Actually, fees in England are being tripled to 9000 pounds. Scotland is still free for Scottish students.</p>
<p>^ They were also free in England until a few years ago, right?</p>
<p>But everyone can’t go to college there. The give tests and you get “tracked.” So, they may not charge except through taxes, but you don’t get to choose if you want to go. This is particularly harsh in Germany, where they test very young, and that is it.</p>
<p>Plus, what are you going to do? In Paris it is illegal to tax somebody more than 50% of their income. In many places in this country, people are already above that. the thing that makes europe different than the US is simply that they spend nothing on defense. France has ONE aircraft carrier, england has NONE. They know we will defend them, so they get to use their money in different ways.</p>
<p>It’s classic Econ 101: guns vs. butter. We have guns. and they have butter.</p>
<p>Funny, I’ve not found anyone in this entire CC site that has mentioned the current economic downward spiral. Foreclosures…Bankruptcy…Jobless :-(</p>