<p>I don't think that this board has much of this, so I thought that, maybe those of you that are already in school could post your stats here so that all us hopefuls, like myself, might have some standards to aspire to, or measure ourselves against. Please include UGPA, of course, as well as your undergraduate school, extracurricular activites, major, and obviously the school you got into. Below I've modified the popular template for the undergrad colleges for our purposes. Your class may also provide some interesting information, since undergraduate admissions are getting tougher, maybe law school admissions will start following the same trend if they haven't started already. Thank you.</p>
<p>Please remember to remove the spaces inside the brackets after you input your information. Please feel free to add or remove categories as you see fit.</p>
<p>[ size=+1][ color=#228B22][ b]I Was Admitted to: ___________[ /b][/color][ /size]</p>
<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] LSAT:
[ *] UGPA:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Essays:
[ *] Professor Recs:
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ *] Extracurricular Involvement:
[ *] Interesting Work Experience:
[ /list][ b]Undergraduate:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country:
[ *] Undergraduate School:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender:
[ *] Major(s):
[ *] Minor(s):
[ *] Distinction(s) on degree (summa cum laude, .etc):
[ *] major strength/weakness:
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]</p>