Computer Science AP VS IB

<p>Next year as junior I have the choice to continue my IB journey at my base school or start my life as an AP student, I have a strong passion for music but, I plan to major in computer science in college so keep that in mind when reading the pros and cons of each school</p>

<p>IB School:
*2 IB Computer Science classes (1 SL, 1 HL)
*forced to take IB Math Studies (currently in geometry as a sophomore and junior year I have to take algebra 2 and that leaves one year for another math but the other maths are 2 years)
*Inferior band to AP school
*IB Program can be more difficult </p>

<p>AP School:
*Superior band
*APS program for anyone taking AP
*CFPA specialty music program
*More elective space for other classes (AP Physics/AP Music Theory)
*option to take Calculus AB (I could take Algebra 2 over the summer and then be placed in a "function/trig" class and then take Calc AB senior year)
*New school
*Only 1 Computer Science class (AP Computer Science)</p>

<p>Well I don’t know what you should do, but here’s some advice:</p>

<p>Even if you go to your IB school, take AP Computer Science and NOT IB Computer Science. I’m in my senior year doing HL Computer Science, and I took the AP Comp exam last year just for the heck of it since I’m already really familiar with Java… AP Comp was really really easy, and the exam itself tested important Object Oriented concepts. </p>

<p>On the other hand, I’ve been taking IB Comp too and it’s one of the worst IB subjects to take for the sole reason that the board wasn’t able to come up with a good course. It sucks. They test you on unimportant theory and leave out a lot of important theory, and it’s just plain boring. You’re also likely to score higher on the AP test. Plus you won’t have to waste so much time doing the internal assessments and stuff for IB Comp.</p>

<p>Also Math Studies is a worthless subject. A 7/7 in it is worthless too since it’s so easy. If you don’t have the choice to take Math HL then I’d choose the AP school. No Math HL (or at least SL) will reflect badly when you’re applying to good colleges, and instead you can go to the other school and take AP Calc.</p>

<p>As a musician, I’d also choose your second school…</p>

<p>Can a university really penalize you for not taking a class that wasn’t offered at your school?</p>

<p>thanks @truust do you think it would be easy self study the ap computer science A test since I have previous knowledge in java since I’m taking a IB comp math prerequisite class ATM </p>

<p>@nanotechnology well I could be penalized for taking a “useless class” like math studies when I should be taking calculus, it is my fault as I let my grades slip around 7th grade but I’m going make up for lost time by taking classes over the summer</p>

<p>I personally prefer the IB CS program. More formal, less java/OOP kool aid drinking. </p>

<p>But the best preparation for college CS is a strong math foundation. I guess that would argue for the AP school.</p>

<p>However, switching high school mid way can be tough. It’s possible that could impact your GPA. So…better math and good band at the devil you don’t know, or more limited choices at the devil you do know, I guess.</p>

I think I will attend the AP school, even though its a new school I know many people there and it’s only about 10 minutes away from my current school ha, do you have any recommended high school classes that would be useful for college cs?</p>