Computer Science Department

Hey guys!

How are job prospects after graduating as a Computer Science Major from the University of Wisconsin, Madison?
Is Madison a good city to do business in? Is venture capital/advising readily available for startups?
Is it possible to get a job in California easily with a Wisconsin degree?

Any advice is much appreciated, thanks!

Yes to all.

You might want to use the Google too.

@barrons Haha okay thanks. This really leaves me with only one problem with Wisconsin… the cold :expressionless:

Then you don’t want to major in computer science- because of the hardware that building is always too cold for comfort in my opinion- air conditioning.

Gee whiz- August to mid November and April to May will not be very cold but often more pleasant than not. In fact, late summer can be too hot…

You need to decide if academics or weather trumps. And yes, UW grads get jobs with major west coast tech players.

@wis75 Thank you for the information, I really appreciate it :slight_smile: