Computer Security

<p>Several other colleges that we are familiar with require that all students personal computers have specific security programs downloaded from the University. </p>

<p>I never heard anything about this at Bama Bound or seen anything online. </p>

<p>Did I miss it or is nothing required to plug in DD’s Mac into UA’s server?</p>

<p>I don’t think anything is req’d. I’ve used Bama’s server many times for my own computer.</p>

<p>All that is necessary is to register the device or computer with the server.:)</p>

<p>No specific security software is required to get on the Bama server, or to connect to any Bama networks. That being said, if your computer is registered on a Bama network, you can download a free copy of McAfee ([McAfee</a> Virus Protection | OIT - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]McAfee”></p>