<p>My son has been accepted to Citadel and is applying to WP and Ann. He went for an overnight visit interviewing for the honors program and scholarship and I was shocked to hear of the hazing. any feedback?</p>
<p>Try going on [United</a> States of America Service Academy Forums - Powered by vBulletin](<a href=“http://www.serviceacademyforums.com/]United”>http://www.serviceacademyforums.com/) There is a specific area there for the private military colleges. I know there are people who frequent it who are Citadel cadets/alumni and can answer your concerns.</p>
<p>Hazing is strictly forbidden at the Service Academies.</p>
<p>My daughter has a friend that is in his first year at the Citadel. She just saw him for the first time over Thanksgiving break. When I asked her how it was going for him, she said that he said the hazing is just ridiculous. I questioned her if he was just talking about physical training and “basic cadet” type treatment and she said, “no mom, he is describing REAL hazing and it sounds like it’s out of control.” (this from my daughter who just herself survived BCT at USAFA…) She seemed very concerned for her friend and sad that he was not enjoying his first year at all. I asked her if he was thinking of transferring and she said he wants to stick with it but it’s just insane. I really have no specific details, I just know he has verified it exists. Good luck to your son in his big decisions ahead.</p>
<p>That sure doesn’t sound good! Leadership development doesn’t come from Hazing!</p>
<p>Not to take anything away from The Citidal, it certainly is respected in parts of the Southeast. What I have personally seen in a friend of my Mid’s who is currently at the Citidel, and rumor on the street so to speak, Leadership training including respect is not be developed very well at all. </p>
<p>Now on the other hand I have a friend from high school 30 years ago that has had a great Army career coming out of the Citadel and just made BG so they do get the skills to succeed.</p>
<p>What type of hazing have you heard about from your sons friend?</p>