Conducting Alumni Interviews . . .

<p>I'm a high school senior, but I pose these questions in this forum in the assumption that some of you conduct alumni interviews for your alma maters.</p>

<p>Introducing my father: he's a UVM alum, but college admissions today is something on which he holds strong opinions, but about which he is generally quite ignorant. He has a pretty strong connection to UVM -- his college experience, as he sees it, inspired a successful career. Plus, he's on a first name basis with the dean(?) of admissions at the school. (I got into UVM, though it's not one of my top choices.)</p>

<p>This week I encouraged him to begin conducting alumni interviews for UVM. Why? I'm not sure. Mostly I thought the experience could help him gain a better perspective on admissions, in part for when my two younger brothers apply. Maybe it would be a great way for him to maintain a connection to the school, sharing his experience and speaking with prospective students. Maybe I just think he'll have some good stories to tell. Plus, I know he'd be good at it (certainly compared with the alumni interviewer I had recently for a different school).</p>

<p>"Okay," he said. "Sign me up."</p>

<p>So, two questions:</p>

<p>1) How does one go about conducting alumni interviewers? Contact admissions? Is there a specific process? He graduated over thirty years ago.</p>

<p>2) For those of you who are alumni interviewers: how has the experience been for you? Inspiring? Disurbing? Recommended?</p>


<p>Hey z,
Have him start by filling out this form on his alumni association’s Web site:
[The</a> UVM Connection > Parent & Family Volunteer Preferences](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>He might like to click around on the site to explore other options.</p>

<p>Well, that looks pretty simple!</p>

<p>Your dad may be omitted from interviewing students this year because you’re a HS senior – avoids any conflict of interest (even though you’ve already been admitted). My HYP alma mater requests all alum interviewers to take a sabbatical any year we have a child in HS Senior year.</p>

<p>I chaired my local alumnae admissions committee back in the 80s and just returned to doing alumnae interviews. It continues to be a wonderful experience - meeting prospective students and listening to their dreams and aspirations. In some cases, interviews can be like pulling teeth but for the most part, the time just flies by. Plus, I’ve got to meet some remarkable young women!</p>

<p>My H used to interview for his alma mater and had a similar experience.</p>

<p>It’s true that many schools will not permit parents (either alums or current school parents) to be involved with admissions activities if they have any children who might be prospective students (of any age).</p>