Hello!!! It’s almost that pinnacle commit day and I am struggling to make a decision between Notre Dame and Dartmouth. I am interested in pursuing a public health career and applied as a Neuroscience major and Global Health minor at each respective school (Wanted to go into premed during application season).
Notre Dame pros
- $14k cheaper for the coming school year
- Wholesome community
- AP Credit program is better than Dartmouth
Notre Dame cons
- No particular undergraduate public health/global health program
- Religious course requirements
Dartmouth pros
- Ivy Name Brand/Networking
- Required sophomore summer means better internship opportunities during the year (I can take an off term during the school year)
- Good research opportunities especially as an undergrad
- Location in nature is beautiful
Dartmouth cons
- $14k more expensive a year
- Less AP credit
- Greek Life Predominance
My parents are pushing me to pursue Dartmouth and for me not to worry about finances, but I can’t help but worry about the accumulated $56k over four years. I requested a 2nd request for review from Dartmouth to no avail. Any advice? And help is well appreciated.