Confused about MCA score

@eyemgh, do you know if Algebra or Geometry in 7th or 8th grade counts as extra bonus points? Thank you.

Not to step on anybody’s toes here, but I’ll chime in with my understanding of this matter: No extra bonus points, but 2 semesters of Geometry and 4 semesters of Algebra are required. So if you used middle school algebra and Geometry to start in Algebra 2 at the HS level, you need to make sure you include those middle school classes on your application. Bonus points are only for math taken beyond Geometry.

Thanks, ocglfdad.

Ouch…my toes. :))

Seriously, there are lots of knowledgeable folks out here. If someone asks something directed to me, but it gets answered by someone else, I just call it good and move on. Thanks for answering @ocgolfdad.

Now I am confused. My daughter took Algebra 1 Honors in 7th, Geometry Honors in 8th, Algebra II/Trig Honors in 9th, Trig/Math Analysis Honors in 10th and AP BC Calculus in 11th. When we input those onto her application it shows 10 semesters of math. I would have thought that would be 500 bonus points. Can anyone clarify? @ocgolfdad or @eyemgh Thanks!

Seems to me the 500 is correct, what is confusing. math minimum required 6 sem/ max 10 sem/125 pts per extra semester/500 max pts. She has 4 sem after the minimum so max pts.

@Mumstheword2 That is correct. My son had a similar math track as your daughter, but took AB Calc and then BC Calc. His app shows 12 semesters of math. Unfortunately, the math bonus tops out at 500 points!

Thanks @BrownParent and @ocgolfdad. Now it makes sense :). It seems that the only way for the students to reach the 10+ semesters would only be in they started their algebra and/or geometry in middle school.

@Mumstheword2, that is correct. The funny thing is, they could do the same thing by just determining what your top math was. Calc AB or better maxes the rigor points. Clear as mud?

@eyemgh…Very true!! That’s what I was thinking!

How would the scoring system work for transfers?

@jay956 I do not think any one knows of the transfer algorithm.

I have it. I’ll post it later. Fair warning though, I know little else about the transfer process.

The transfer MCA is also 5000 points, 1750 for program required coursework, 1500 for general education, 1500 for GPA and 250 for ECs and work. There are minimum requirements for program required coursework and the possibility to get extra points for more, like the rigor section of the First Time Freshmen MCA, but also deductions for not hitting the minimum as opposed to straight rejection if FTF don’t hit their minimums. Unlike First Time Freshmen though who are all subject to the same MCA, each transfer major has its own program required coursework. In effect there is a MCA specific to each transfer major. I have an example of just one and the math isn’t as completely fleshed out as FTF example I have. My guess is that this was a presentation to high school counsellors, so they glossed over transfers. The simplified version of transferring is take every class requested and then some, get great grades, and if you can work a bit, great.

Thank you eyemgh.

Is an MCA of 4198 competitive when applying Early Decision to Business?

Calculated my son’s MCA at 4183, hoping that is competitive when applying Early Decision to Construction Management.

If points are maxed out at 5000, then would exceeding that 5000 points guarantee admission into SLO, especially for computer engineering? I’m applying RD. (I wanted to do ED but I really need to know my FA package).

Also, I ended up with a 5192 after all the calculations, but since it gets capped, would the system just start giving like a “tie” to all the people whose scores got capped at 5000?

Just trying to understand this MCA system some more. ;__;

@BoyMomCP based on previous application numbers and spots for Construction Management your son should be competitive for Construction Management it is one of the easiest majors to get into at Poly. Good Luck!

@bishup51 Business is a more competitive major at Poly your MCA may be on the lower side for this major. Applying ED should give you a better shot. Have backup schools. Good Luck!

@ornate, you should be very competitive. I’m guessing that you have a high GPA, test scores and lots of rigor points AND you have good non-academic bonuses. Either a child of Poly staff, from a partner school, service area, CA vet, or your parents didn’t finish HS. If none of those are true, you miscalculated. Good luck.