Confused about MCA score

<p>I am confused about the MCA score… </p>

<p>I’ve read the threads and many mention a MCA score. There’s a maximum of 5000 points I believe, but how do you calculate the points in the first place? I know there are bonus points, where taking advanced math classes are a bonus of 500 points. But what makes up the rest of the points? How many points do you get for ACT/SAT scores, GPA, ECs, etc.? I’ve been reading all over the place for the rest of the points other than the bonus points, but I can’t find it anywhere… </p>

<p>And also, it says that you get an extra 100 bonus points for 4 years of lab science, but what if you only took 3? I only took biology, chemistry, and physics as lab sciences (I didn’t take any AP sciences), so would that mean I would get 50 bonus points or none at all because I didn’t reach the 4 years? </p>

<p>I’m guessing no one really knows how to calculate the MCA score then </p>

<p>The maximum GPA they will use is 4.2, even though you can have a higher calculated CP GPA. A 4.2 is worth 2250 MCA points. Thus, multiply your CP GPA by 535.7 and you’ll get your MCA points for GPA. </p>

<p>The next biggest thing is test scores. The odd thing, likely because they wanted it to total a nice round number, is that the max score is 1650, even though the max SAT score is 1600. Multiply the total of your best SAT CR and your best SAT math by 1.03125 to get your MCA test points. If you took the ACT, they convert and vice versa. </p>

<p>The third largest section is the class rigor score, worth 750 points. In this section you get zero points for meeting the minimum admission requirements and adders for more than the minimum. The bonuses in order of power are (min semesters/max total semesters/bonus per extra semester/total possible bonus): math 6/10/125/500 (note: stats and finite do not count), lab science 4/8/50/200, English 8/10/50/100, foreign language 4/8/25/100, visual performance 2/4/25/50, no bonus points for social sciences or electives. As with GPA, you can actually score higher than the maximum, but 750 is the most they will count.</p>

<p>Finally, work and ECs, worth 350 points. Work (hours per week/bonus): 0/0, 1-5/20, 6-10/40, 11-15/60, 16-20/80, 21+/100, add 50 points if work is major related. ECs (hours per week/bonus): 0/0, 1-5/30, 6-10/60, 11-15/90, 16-20/120, 21+/150, add 60 points for leadership role.</p>

<p>There you go. Good luck. :wink: </p>

<p>Thank you eyemgh. Son’s score is 4700 based on what you posted…applying for an engineering major with lower number of applications I think he will do ED… is this a likely admit or not? Your post here was very helpful.</p>

<p>@eyemgh‌ thank you sooo much. Your posts are always a big help to me. </p>

<p>That certainly seems like a strong score. As for “likely admit” or not, I would think so, but I really have limited data to back that up. The population for my study is one (n=1), so take it with a grain of salt. My son got admitted to ME with a 4736. He’s from out of state though and some have suggested (but have never supplied anything other than soft, anecdotal information to back it up), that OOS admission is easier. I don’t have any proof one way or another. I think with that score and ED, he should have a strong chance. As I did with my own son, I’d still recommend a safety. With admissions below 20% you can never be certain. What type of engineering?</p>

<p>WOW my score is only 3860. I’ve lost hope. Not even in the 4000 range what a joke. </p>

<p>@Ohhibye, don’t give up. You are comparing yourself to 2 very competitive engineering candidates and that’s not the college you’re interested in. CP does set hard MCA minimums by major. I have not seen all of them, and I don’t know for a fact that they still use the ones I’ve seen. Suffice it to say that the hard minimums for the most stringent engineering admits are difficult, but of the ones I’ve been privy too, many are in the low 3000s. Who knows, a 3850 may be very competitive for your major. </p>

<p>I also forgot to add other non-academic bonus points: CA vet/701, Hayden Partner School/700, faculty/staff dependent/700, service area of CP/500, either parent with some or no HS/300 (per parent).</p>

<p>You won’t get in if you don’t apply. Send your app and have a safety. Good luck!</p>

<p>@eyemgh‌ unfortunately I don’t qualify for any of those non academic bonus points. And the major I was planning on majoring in was engineering too. (Was thinking about biomedical but that’ll be a long shot next to Mechanical.) </p>

<p>But now I know that my MCA is VERY VERY low for engineering. But that’s also the reason why I wanted to go to Cal Poly. Because it’s great for engineering and its “learn by doing” seemed to be perfect for me. :confused: I probably won’t even get into Pomona now that I think about it. </p>

<p>Greaaaat. </p>

<p>@Ohhibye‌, I would say engineering is a long shot. I’m pretty sure that most have MCA minimums of 4000. I’m not absolutely certain though. Also, BME, I’m not a fan. It’s tough to get a good job with just a BS in BME.</p>

<p>There is good news though. There are lots of good engineering schools that aren’t as selective as Poly. Plenty of them are in CA. Nearly 80% of graduates surveyed say they were happy with their school choice, even when it was the one they originally ranked last. If it isn’t Poly, you will land somewhere that you will make yours.</p>

<p>I’d still apply. Never let “advice” from random forum posters dictate your path. In addition though, wander over to the engineering section of CC and get opinions on CA schools that are less selective. Chico, Fresno, Fullerton, Longbeach, LA, Northridge, Sacramento, SDSU, SFSU and SJSU are all Cal States that have ABET accredited ME programs. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I got 4271/5000 and I applied ED for Arch Engineering – what kind of pool do you think I’d be competing with?</p>

<p>Eyemng. so according to the numbers you posted above, applicantes are “ranked” by score.</p>

<p>GPA = 2250
Test = 1650
Class rigor = 750
EC / Work Hrs = 350
Subtotal for accademic points = 5000</p>

<p>Parents education = 600
Veteran’s benefit = 700
Zip code= 500
High school = 700
Parent employed by CPSLO = 700
Subtotal for Demographic points = 3200</p>

<p>Max attainable points = 8200</p>

<p>Scores are capped at 5,000</p>

<p>If I read your posts above correctly, GPA and test only account for about half of the total possible points?<br>
I wonder how many “points” are added to OOS applications? Or are they considered in a different pool from CA applications.
Also, could you please cite where you sourced this weighted score profile? </p>

<p>Mine came to 4700. I applied ED for Mechanical Engineering, in-state.</p>

<p>is ME tough? Do I have a good chance?</p>

<p>Is the MCA score how they rank candidates? They just line them all up and when they get to the desired number of students they cut it off? Is it really that cut and dried? If I’m right, is there a list of MCS cutoff for all majors?
Sorry for all the questions :relaxed:
BTW I have a 4500 for Chemistry. Hope that’s good enough!!</p>

<p>SoCalGirl, you ask a great question. Let us know if you find an answer. As a publicly funded institution one would expect a more transparent admissions protocol. </p>

<p>@eyemgh, thank you for clarifying the MCA score with us. I got a score of 4739 and im applied ED to SE.</p>

@Huynhsanford Just reading this now for my son who is a Junior and trying to calculate his MCA. I may have done it incorrectly and I am guessing at an SAT score based on 3 PSAT’s…low-balling it a bit, but my son might have an MCA like yours. Did you get in?? Do you mind if I ask? PM is ok for an answer!

@MomOD4‌, it just uses critical reading and math, not writing.

@eyemgh, what is the ‘service area’ for cal poly?