<p>i will earn an undergraduate degree in polymer technology soon. since my course has covered, though superficially, both polymer science and engineering, can i get a job to start with? Which could be the most preferred states? i am not able to make up my mind whether to have a graduate degree in science or engineering as of now. i cannot imagine of investing 3-5 years in PhD. My CV would definitely be mediocre. But i have decent knowledge in this field.<br>
Can i get a job which can train me and use me in something which is more faster than r&d. something like rheology or problem shooting or something which can keep me shifting. i love changes. And doing a PhD would make me converge further.
i really want to remain open.
Any suggestions</p>
<p>Nice major, why dont u look into pharmaceuticals in NJ, my dad has the same degree and thts what he did.</p>
<p>thanks 4 replying “crazyelite”.
i am very far away from biology. but something related to chem might be cool. might be…i guess u r talking about encapsulation of drugs or something of that sort. i’ll definitely have to think b4 i leap</p>