Confused :(

<p>hi , lately i have been in a dilemma , a dilemma about whether i should change my future profession from an engineer to a doctor. The thing is that i love physcis and maths as i love finding new ways to tackle a problem and all the conceptual aspects of it but lately my mindset has changed , i think of becoming a doctor and earn loads of money even though i dont like cramming stuff ( as in the case of biology ) . I really don't know why i posted this thread maybe i need some encouragement or something , i really don't know... i am really confused guys.</p>

<p>Is the only reason you want to become a doctor money? If so, you should probably stick with engineering.
Getting through medical school is all about cramming information.</p>

<p>If you think you can go to med school and succeed without cramming things, then you are, quite frankly, a moron. The hardest part of med school is the fact that you have to memorize incredibly huge amounts of facts, and for good reason. When you are practicing, you need to draw from that memory and some up with what the drug interactions for Prescription A is so that you don’t give the patient something that will kill him. You may need to reach into that fact bank and figure out what disease presents a given set of symptoms. There are countless other situations where you need memorization. Long story short, a large part of becoming an M.D. is memorization and cramming. There is no way around that. If you can’t bear that thought, then I would just quit toying with the notion of med school.</p>

<p>On top of that, you just described your interest as exactly what an engineer does, and about the complete opposite of an M.D., but you just want to chase money. If you really want to chase money but still keep it in line with your interests, either be and entrepreneur and start your own business based on something you patent, or go into consulting. Quit kidding yourself with notions of med school.</p>

<p>You love physics and math and problem solving, so be an engineer and you will love your work. Don’t worry, engineers can make a very fine living. Who knows what is going to happen to doctor’s pay in the future?</p>

<p>Why not Pharmacy. They make pretty good money and make their own schedules.</p>

<p>Greed and laziness are not good reasons to be a doctor. I weep for any patient of yours.</p>

<p>^^haha, nice.</p>

<p>Actually, engineers make a nice chunk of money. While that is not the reason I am going into engineering, it is still a nice reward.</p>

<p>Guys thanks for the encouragement, seriously your replies have helped me. And for the money thingy, for sure! i am going to do MBA after getting over with BS in engineering</p>