<p>I am a rising senior and an URM (African American male - 2nd generation Ethiopian American) and am not quite sure what this status means for me. Without going in too much detail, here are some facts.</p>
<p>School - Suburban Md., best school system in the state, one of the best in the country, lots of high level courses available (which I have been taking). Pretty darn competetive.</p>
<p>GPA - 3.76 UW/ 4.3W
AP Exams -American Gov. - 4, US History - 3 (self-study), English Lang. - 5, World History - 4
SAT - 2170 combined
SAT IIs - N/A will take: Math 2C, World Hist. and ??? (suggestions)
ACTs - Fall '06
Race - African-American
Sex - Male
Classes taken:
English 9,10,11 GT
US Histor GT
Am. Gov AP
World Hist. AP
Alg. II GT
Precalc GT
Calc AB AP
Bio GT
Chem GT
Physics GT</p>
<p>Next year my schedule is:
Art II
English AP
Comp Gov AP
Stats AP
Bio AP
Mentorship GT</p>
I am not taking another language (Spanish - I got up to 3) because I am already fluent in Amharic. I believe my essays will be very good and unique. It will no doubt include my reasoning for pursuing Public Health/Medical career stems from me visiting Ethiopia and witnessing the poverty and suffering. It allows me to make a huge difference. Also, my campaign for the Board Position will be a good topic - it was a big risk. (More info below on that)</p>
<p>Recs. - Will be good:
Principal - loves me
Math teacher - will have known me as a student (Precalc GT & Stat AP) and is my SGA Advisor - most definitely great things to say. I have invested many, many Saturdays with her going to Leadership conferences etc.
Mentor - is a MS/MD very accomplished in her field, founder of certain genes and functions, respects my intellect and drive equally</p>
<p>A lot of extra Curriculurs - SGA Class President, SGA at school, county and state levels, NHS, County NAACP, Black Student Achievement Program, Newspaper Editor, Internships, Ran track (1 year - not very good lol), Math Tutor, Best Buddies, Mock Trial, Summer@Brown HIV/AIDS mini-course etc etc. holding leadership positions in most if not all</p>
<p>For the next year coming up, I am securing a mentorship in Public Health at the Bloomberg School at Johns Hopkins (the first and biggest SPH in the world). I want to intern in global health/epidemiology.</p>
<p>I think I have two things going for me that are special:
- I am the Student Member on my board of education which, to this point, is my biggest accomplishment. I was voted by 27,000+ eligible voters (6-11th grade) across the county. I am currently serving on the Board and its been an awesome experience) [I will include my flier and DVD of the speeches in my app)</p>
<p>2) I am conducting research at Johns Hopkins Hospital in genetics. Worked in lab setting and am set to get a great reccomendation from my mentor (who is well regarded in her field). It was a great experience and I think I can sell it. I went in 5 hours a week in her lab which was about 45 minutes away. Next year I will be getting a mentor at Bloomberg (Hopkins) School of Public Health, which is what I really want to do.</p>
<p>Also I have been in contact with a prof at Yale School of Public Health and have helped with their initiative with the Clinton Foundation to create health infrastructure in Ethiopia. I created a reference English to Amharic dictionary for the postdocs, MDs etc going to the country. (Amharic is the official language).</p>
<p>Brown (w. PLME) is my first choice (changing) and I wonder what my shot is at PLME Early Decision. If I were to apply ED and check the box for the regular school, does that mean that I am applying ED to the school as well?</p>