Conn College vs Lawrence University

My son just committed to Lawrence! We are very excited. What did yours decide to do?

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Yes, mine did too! It was a really hard decision for him and he did it at the last minute but we are glad it’s over!

See if your admission officer (it’s prob the same one we have…same territory) will email your contact info to me! My son is a dual degree BM/BA cello performance from VA.

That’s wonderful news! Mine decided very late, too, considering Lawrence was his favorite the whole time. I am not sure anyone (anywhere) would send out personal info - but are you on Facebook? I doubt Mary Kate would have any trouble giving out my Facebook name! I would love to connect our sons, if only so they can text over the summer!

It would be best if you PM each other any personal information.


Ask her to send me your Facebook name and I’ll look you up! Also, if you are in the DC area, we could arrange a meet up later this summer somewhere. My husband works and has an apartment in Alexandria, though we don’t live there.

How do we PM information via College Confidential? Obviously we would love to try!

Found it - will try!


The OP has made a college decision. Closing.