Connecticut College Class of 2027 Official Thread

This is the official discussion thread for Connecticut College Class of 2027 RD applicants. Ask your questions and connect with fellow applicants.

My son was admitted to Conn EDII and I was hoping to see some other posts on this thread. Anyone else out there? The Facebook parents group seems pretty dead too. Would love to hear from other parents, either current or incoming. We’re really excited for our future Camel!

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My S23 applied RD to Conn. We figure there are a few more weeks until he hears back. I’m sure there are more folks out there too (not so) patiently waiting to hear from them.

Congratulations to you son! I’m sure he’ll have a wonderful experience :smiling_face:

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Thanks, good luck to your son - I know how stressful this whole process is, hopefully it won’t be much longer!

My D23 was accepted EDI and we are excited for her future as a camel as well! I am glad to see you’ve posted as I’ve been periodically checking to see if others have chimed in.


The parents group is on fire lately. It is overall a pretty quiet group though. It is run by the school so that provides some interesting situations when criticism pops up.

I would read the school student paper and follow some of the clubs/academic centers/teams as well!

My student adores it. Watching them grow and meeting their friends has been an absolute pleasure. The faculty and staff are absolutely spectacular.


How do you feel about the current turmoil - Conn was our first choice but now we have severe doubts that the environment is stable. Our child has ASD - is extremely intelligent and academically successful but needs stability. Sit-ins, class boycotts and canceled performances - no confidence votes - these things are going to destroy this school - as a full payer I don’t feel I can subsidize this environment.


I think Katherine Bergeron needs to step down or get released from her contract. The school cannot function like this. She has 14 months left on her contract and that is 14 months too long. But even if she doesn’t go, I don’t see the current situation lasting.

I can’t imagine it will last much longer - I do not have any insider information here but I do think that the “outside consultant” hired by the BOT is likely an employment attorney trying to figure out how to release her.

The thing is, the staff is AMAZING, the faculty are BRILLIANT, and the students are WONDERFUL. It really is a top down problem stemming from the president. Most of her senior staff support the students, faculty, and staff who are calling for her to resign.

The kids are on spring break right now, this week and next. Accepted students days are a month away. Admissions and BOT are well aware that MANY parents of 2027 students will have second thoughts. And rightly so. I would be questioning it as well (though I would applaud the students for standing up for their convictions) if I were in your shoes. I think, if I were in your shoes, I would play a wait and see game. If she goes, the turmoil ends.

It is such a weird situation - I have seen my student thrive in just one semester. He’s 100% engaged in clubs and sports and most importantly, he is in career planning and advising mode already. He’s plotting out his internships, his classes, what Center he wants to study in - and he was the most laid back hands off student in HS. He has fantastic student mentors. And, unlike my other kid’s college, while students party, it is not a party school.

Sorry for the volume. It is such a complicated situation!


I would also suggest - to anyone who has a 2027 student - reach out to Admissions directly. Or send letters/emails to the Board of Trustees. The extra layer of pressure from prospective and incoming ED parents will likely be helpful when it comes to ending her term.


What did KB do exactly that should spill over like this - where is the BoT (this seems like a trustee failing to let this get this far)

She has a history of steamrolling faculty and staff, not listening to student concerns. It actually goes back to her time at Brown - and I am not sure why they chose her, given that it seems she is an authoritarian leader at a highly collaborative institution. She has had trouble keeping staff. The incident with her agreeing to speak at a restricted club was problematic. But it was compounded by her initially ignoring the DIEI Dean who brought the issue to her attention, then demanding he write a letter in support of her speaking there. When he resigned, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The BOT came to campus to listen to concerns. Honestly, I have no idea why they haven’t stepped in yet but like I said, my guess is that they are trying to get her out. I remain confused as to why she would stay.


AGREE! I haven’t mentioned what’s going on to my daughter, but I honestly don’t feel positive about this school any longer… and she’d be going on a full ride if she goes. The money isn’t even a factor here.

I will chime in and say that I have a first-year student at Conn and she is having a fantastic first year. She is VERY happy and absolutely loves everything about Conn College!

As a parent I have been happy with the school. I would not say the environment is unstable. Classes were being held before break and I anticipate the semester will resume when break is over.

Conn has a great community. The students are serious about academics, but not in an intense or competitive way. They are very collaborative, kind, accepting and supportive. My daughter knows her professors, loves all of her classes and is also 100% engaged in sports and clubs and loves everything she does. She isn’t involved with the arts but is always going to see a performance or do something in support of her friends and other clubs and groups on campus. There are also great opportunities with the curriculum, the advising has been great so far.

Congratulations to the Class of 2027 students on your acceptances!


I agree with your post! I also have a freshman daughter who is having a great first year at Connecticut College. The professors and classes are amazing and she is thriving.


Copied this from their website:

Dear Members of the Connecticut College Community,

I write on behalf of the Board of Trustees to convey to you that we have been deeply engaged with the developments on campus this week following the sudden resignation of Dean of Institutional Equity and Inclusion Rodmon King. Like President Bergeron, we acknowledge that the decision of the College to schedule a fundraising event at a venue that has been associated with discriminatory policies and practices was a mistake, inconsistent with our College’s commitment to equity and inclusion, which is why the event was canceled. Still the planning of the event sent an unintended message that has caused disappointment, dismay, and confusion in our community.

The events of this past week have also raised questions about the effectiveness and authenticity of the College’s work on diversity, equity, inclusion, and full participation, questions that require focused and meaningful attention. The Board, President Bergeron, and the senior administration will listen to, learn from, and—most importantly—take action to ensure that we better and more sustainably accomplish the goals that we set for ourselves in our Equity and Inclusion Action Plan. That plan is intended to “serve as a living document that responds to the changing needs of our community.” Our community is now expressing the need for more tangible markers of change and for progress. We are not where we strive to, can, and ultimately must be in achieving the important goals we set for ourselves in this area.

I want to be clear: Connecticut College remains fully committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and full participation. The Board accepts the call to much more effectively ensure that all members of our community experience, and not just hear about, that commitment. The power of diversity, equity, inclusion, and full participation is measured in experiences, and fostering a community where those experiences benefit everyone must be our focus.

We know that several critical concerns have been addressed to President Bergeron and to members of the senior administration and Alumni Board this week. We want to assure you of the totality of our collective commitment to support our students, faculty, staff, and alumni in addressing these concerns in accordance with Conn’s values. The Board will bring focus to the full range of concerns that have been raised and, together with President Bergeron, will recommit to effective administrative leadership and our DEI values.

As some initial steps to express our commitment more concretely, the Board will:

  • Fund an immediate, independent, expert review of our DEI commitments across the College and community, including of staffing, investment, programming, and practices that can allow us to fully achieve our community ideals.
  • Based upon the recommendations from the review, which will include extensive input from the community, the Board will provide our Equity and Inclusion Action Plan with significant additional resources.
  • The Board of Trustees also will be hosting the following opportunities for dialogue and discussion in the days ahead:
    • We will meet virtually with faculty, student, staff, and alumni leadership this week.
    • The Board will structure our February in-person meeting to create opportunities for additional discussion with members of the campus community.

We know that there is more listening to do, more perspective to build, more understanding to gain, and more actions to take. We also feel the depth and urgency of realizing the Equity and Inclusion Plan vision and expanding upon it as we go. We are a community that values and grows from sharing perspectives and listening to each other, both when we agree and disagree, and from thoughtful engagement.

Like the nation, our campus and extended Conn community must grapple with the ways in which race exists as a line that too often divides or separates rather than expands understanding. Making Conn College a better community for all is essential, and it is work we must all embrace. Together we stand focused on this shared and vital goal.


Debo P. Adegbile ’91
Chair, Board of Trustees

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Decisions released this morning.

S23 accepted this morning with a nice scholarship :tada: Wish the final COA was still a bit lower.

I hope others also got good news.


This was my child’s first choice- was planning to apply early decision but our on campus experience was really weird. The tour guide explained what was going on, but after we asked more questions, it sounded like most professors cancelled classes for over two weeks. There was NO ONE waking around the campus- like a ghost town. It was a week or two before spring break so kids were there, was just such a weird vibe. Maybe it was the tour guide, but I was going in hoping to be sure this was the right place, to think its not right at all. I didn’t see one adult the entire time. No one at admissions, or on campus walking around.

Accepted with founders scholarship, making it affordable, pleasantly surprised!


My D was waitlisted. 1390 SAT, 4.296 weighted GPA at time of application (it went up after first sem grades). ECs of several years dedicated dance and theatre plus Student Council officer and lots of music. No sports. She submitted an Arts portfolio. She’s not sure yet if she’s going to stay on the waitlist.