Connecticut College RD Class of 2026

Early writes will be tomrrow at 10AM EST

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However, checking on last year thread’s, it seems like those are only for diversity students.

D is URM.

Would D have been notified of tomorrow 10 am deadline somehow or do early writes just get emails tomorrow at 10 am telling them to go to portal?

Nothing on portal here at 10 am. Did anyone get early writes?

Early writes last year were an email I believe, but I haven’t seen anyone get them this year! Also, last year seems to be one of the only years they did them so they might not do them again!

Did they go out?

No, they have been doing it for four years. It might come later today.

Oh my bad, I only saw them from last year, but people may have not reported them in the years before! Thanks for correcting me!

No problem. However, it’s truly bizarre that nobody seems to have gotten them this year. Neither here nor on Reddit have I seen people reporting them today…

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Yeah, I definitely thought some people would get them at, but at least decisions are earlier than most schools.

Yes, that is true. I still hope they might send some tonight?

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It seems very bizarre; I checked the thread from two years ago, and the early writes were always sent exactly one week before the release of decisions.


When are RD decisions coming out?


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Today is the big day.

At what time are decisions released?

in 2 hours

I am so stressed out