Consider not being so quick to close threads

For a post that is older…couldn’t a new poster start their own current thread and link the older one in their OP? And yes, I realize that is just impossible with a phone…but that is a whole other issue!

Continuing the discussion from Consider not being so quick to close threads:

Yes! You can just include a link to the old post. Or you can use the “Reply as a linked topic” feature:

The only thing I suggest is avoid dredging up topics when the moderators have made clear it’s inappropriate for the site.


A flag on the last (or first) post in a thread is appropriate here, in my opinion:

Flags are a good way to reach a moderator and, as long as you are respectful, I think they will appreciate the feedback. Let me know if I’m speaking out of turn moderators! :wink:


I did that on a really really old thread…like years old. My comment was “this is a very worthy topic but this is old”.

Would that help?

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That, in my mind, might be an example of being better to start then thread anew, and reference the old thread if desired.

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That’s fine. Preferably with a rationale as to why the thread should be reopened. In many cases, it may be better to start fresh and reference the original thread if needed.


In general I’m not a huge fan of the arbitrary time cut-off, and the “party boarding schools” thread is a good example of one that could be continued. But overall I don’t have a huge problem with it.

I will say the one time I asked to have a post reopened, I pm’ed my reasoning to @lindagaf and she promptly reopened the thread. I realize this wouldn’t and shouldn’t happen every time (the frat one was destined to get ugly) but in this case she read my rationale and was very reasonable in her response.


Metacomment: It’s going to feel a little different when this thread finally does get closed, like it will finally have accomplished its stated purpose.:rofl: