Consolidated January Math Answers.

<p>what were the three numbers/3....i dont remember 1750</p>

<p>what was that</p>

<p>The hotel price was 192 I'm 1000% sure. HE paid 48 but it was the total cost was split between three OTHER people. So 48 was 1/4 of the cost. So the hotel cost a total of 192.</p>

<p>No one had trouble with the question where it said x^2=4y^2 and x=2y+1? Was the answer -1/2?</p>

<p>no it was just 1/2</p>

<p>yeah the hotel problem said that he split the hotel with 3 OTHER people which makes it a total of 4 people. 48x4=192</p>

<p>CD Cases = 32</p>

<p>Pie Chart is 192!!!</p>

<p>Here is why:</p>

<p>The total money spent by the guy was 240 bucks. Twenty percent was on hotel. So .2 x 240 = 48</p>

<p>This is the part that i bet confused alot of people. He shared the cost with 3 other people. So the total cost 48 x 4!! not 48 x 3 (i realized this thankfully)</p>

<p>The total cost of the hotel room wsa 192. Iono how anyone got 60...</p>

<p>And 1/2 is another answer</p>

<p>ah okay, gotcha, i orignally put 144, but it is 192 now that i see it, thanks</p>

<p>here's what i hope this curve is.
cr -3, 800
math -1 800
writing -4 800</p>

<p>...doubt it will happen.</p>

<p>if that's the curve, way too many people will get 2400</p>

<p>if thats the curve ill get 2300</p>

<p>Curve IMO:
Math:-1 780-790
CR: -1 790-800
Writing: -1 (w/ 10essay) 780</p>

<p>so hard now!... ::s</p>

<p>There are actually two pie chart problems ;)
One is about the hotel cost. The guy spent 20% of his money on hotel cost, and that 20% is obtained from the given pie chart. The correct answer is 192.</p>

<p>The other one is a graph for different months. It asks what angle would April be if all the months are plotted in a pie chart. April had 30/180 so the angle would be 60 degrees.</p>

<p>The reason that other question was positive 1/2, not negative 1/4, was because when you got y to equal 1/4, you had to plug it back into the formula, which was multiplying it by 2 (-1/2) and then adding 1 (1/2).</p>

21....... (x+y)^2=...
4 or more....... inscribed rectangles
<a href="d%5E2">b</a>h....... smallest box**
9........ trifactors
4k/3.......... 2^(n+2)
6.......... clothing combos
135.......... x and y angles
192.......... pie chart (hotel cost)
10.......... Venn diagram
52.......... boundary squares
40.......... phone call
1.6 or 8/5............ 10 kk squares
5.......... perpendicular lines
32.............. CD cases
1750............. difference in profits year 1 and 2 for 3 stores (average)
1/2............ x^2=4y^2 ...
3Triangle+2Triangle.............. 6Triangle-5Triangle
1/15............. (3x+y)/y=...</p>

<p>add the one about the month pie chart. answer's 60</p>

<p>ughh for the hotel cost i only multiplied it by 3 not 4.....ughhhhhhh</p>

<p>darn it, i did *3 too.</p>

<p>wat was the perpendicular lines question? I dont remember it</p>