Construction noise

<p>My daughter is very upset by very early morning construction noise near Lakeside Dorm. Does anyone know when construction is due to be completed on Presidential II. I assume that is where the noise is coming from.</p>

<p>she should use ear plugs, 33 decibel protection</p>

<p>Construction won’t be done til summer. However, your D is likely more concerned about the type of construction that is going on now which is more noisy. As construction progresses, the type of work being done will be far less noisy…especially as most of the work being done will be inside.</p>

<p>What is being done now? I haven’t driven by lately.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, how early in the morning is this occurring?</p>

<p>7:00- 7:30 am She thinks it may be from the Riverwalk?</p>

<p>From the Riverwalk and not Presidential?</p>

<p>I will go by Jack Warner Pkwy tomorrow and see if there’s any bldg construction going on at The Riverwalk north of Lakeside Hall. I don’t think there is. That’s very park-like there. Maybe there’s some road construction???</p>

<p>I believe they are building something at Manderson Landing for the Crew team? That might be the cause. D lives in Lakeside this year. She hasn’t mentioned the noise, but then again, she gets up at 7 :)</p>

<p>Well if it’s at Manderson Landing and it’s something for the crew team, then it’s not likely a lengthy noisy deal. </p>

<p>The OP’s D just needs to use earplugs for a few days probably…and maybe the noise is over by now.</p>

<p>I’ll drive by today to see what’s going on.</p>

<p>thank you!</p>