<p>I've been accepted to both as a transfer student to both schools and as you will read, I'm mostly decided on MICA, however I was hoping for some input perhaps from people familiar with these schools and whether one may be better for a photography track. The teachers, the classrooms, the environment....Does the type of photography I'm interested in apply to either school. As of right now I'm more into wildlife and lanscape photography? Would one of the schools be more suited to that kind of track? I was disappointed with the Corocoran in the applying process, but I still want the best school. Below is part of my take on the schools. </p>
<p>The Corcoran is small (about 400 students), but it's in DC so I won't be lacking in my need for the city. MICA is a little over 1000 so it's also small, but not overly so and it's in Baltimore. No lack of a city there either. </p>
<p>I'm hoping to double major in photography and communciations (or something that has to do with writing). I can't really do that at the Corcoran because they don't have those kind of programs, but MICA has what I think is called a mobility program where they are in partnership with University of Baltimore and John Hopkins so if there are classes I need that MICA doesn't have I'll most likely still be able to find them. </p>
<p>I want to play sports too and the Corcoran does not have an avenue there. I was told by the guy I had my interview with (and I'm paraphrasing here) that kids who come to the Corcoran are artsy type of people. They were the type that didn't really do sports in high school, more visual and performing type things. I can kind of understand that, but I'm also a little perturbed. Way to go on the diversity factor. I wasn't too artsy in high school, but now that I've decided that's what I want to do I see no reason to leave sports behind. And not having played in high school, I was sure hoping to get a chance in college. Now MICA doesn't have sports either except for a soccer club, but here is where the partnership comes in again. I can pay $75 and play with the University of Baltimore. So another check in MICA's box. </p>
<p>I'll be able to get the same kind of opportunities from both schools such as study abroad programs and internship opportunities. Both schools are good career developers. So no major favor for either contender there. </p>
<p>I've also been told that the Corcoran is not in its best game right now. They have the reputation because they have been great in the past and they are associated with some big names like the White House Press Photographers, but they've recently come under new leadership and perhaps that is changing the way they do things. I was told by an art teacher that they seem to be redefining themselves; whereas before they liked contemporary work they are now looking for more avant garde art and such.</p>