Core Curriculum Questions

<p>The text below is from S2's catalog:</p>

<p>To be selected from the University Core Curriculum. (See page 17). Of the 18 hours shown as University Core Curriculum electives,
3 must be from creative arts,
3 from social and behavioral sciences,
6 from American history, and
6 from government/political science. </p>

<p>When you go to the core curriculum link (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;) we see categories other than those above (ie Communication, Language/Phil/Culture...) so it seems those categories aren't allowed? But I thought 'Core Curriculum' was the same across majors and if so, why have the extra categories if they aren't usable?</p>

<p>S2 has an extra English from DualCredit that is listed in the Communications area, so we were hoping that could count!</p>


<p>Different majors have different core classes that need to be taken along with the university’s required courses. </p>

<p>Here’s some info <a href=“”>;/a&gt; with the change of names of areas from 2103-2014 to 2014-2015. It also has the link to the old info.</p>

<p>Darn! Looks like he can’t count it, but thanks for the explanation!</p>

<p>I keep coming back to this thread and trying to decipher the problem. @AllThisIsNewToMe‌, do you mind mentioning your son’s major? Is he a freshman (i.e. under the 2014-2015 catalog?) </p>

<p>I don’t know whether his ENGL course counts for Core Curriculum or not, but I’m having trouble following the question and the logic behind your conclusion. Not saying you’re not correct! But I’m curious about why you think he can’t claim it if you’ve found the course in the Communications section of the Core Curriculum/ICD Search.</p>

<p>The 2014-2015 catalog also requires 6 hrs from Communication, and some from Math, and from Life Sciences, etc.</p>

<p>I’ve tried to ignore my curiosity long enough! :slight_smile: Can you please expound?</p>

<p>Certainly. I’d love to be wrong! He’s in computer engr (comp sci track). He transferred from another engr so he is a sophomore but under this year’s catalog (2014-2015).</p>

<p>The English is located under the communication category, but his major prescribes:
3 must be from creative arts,
3 from social and behavioral sciences,
6 from American history, and
6 from government/political science</p>

<p>So it appears the communication category isn’t important for engineering :-).
Obviously he will confirm, but it was bugging me so I posted.</p>

<p>Oh, I see what’s going on. Thanks for clarifying. Maybe you’ve already realized this by now, but here’s an explanation for your question about the “extra categories” and whether all majors must fulfill all Core Curriculum requirements …</p>

<p>All categories of the Core Curriculum are “useable” and all entering students must meet all of the Core Curriculum requirements. But here is the rub: this magic sentence from the Undergraduate Course Catalog general section (my senior son’s, and your son’s, and many others’ before them) – “Individual degree programs many require that specific courses from the Core Curriculum be used to satisfy Core Curriculum requirements.” </p>

<p>And so, for instance, in your son’s major (and in my son’s major as well), their “individual degree programs” require that the Language, Philosophy, and Culture category be satisfied with ENGR 482 Ethics and Engineering. (My son’s catalog requires this course from the old Humanities category, whereas your son’s catalog requires it from the new Language, Philosophy, and Culture category.) Our kids are still required to fulfill that area of the Core Curriculum, but their degree programs dictate which course will be used to fill it. </p>

<p>As for the Communications category, the one you’re asking about, your son’s individual degree program dictates that his 6 credit hours of the Communications Core must be fulfilled by ENGL 104 and one of three other courses: ENGL 210, COMM 205, or COMM 243. On his degree plan “sketch,” he takes ENGL 104 during the fall semester of his freshman year, and he fulfills the other 3 credit hours in the fall semester of his sophomore year. It’s on his Computer Engineering-Computer Science Track degree plan labeled as “Communication elective - 3 Cr” with the subnote 4 beside it. The little 4 beside it tells us that he is restricted to one of those 3 courses to fulfill that particular Core Curriculum requirement. </p>

<p>(As a transfer student, I know your son’s degree plan will probably look quite different than the plan they have in his course catalog as he plugs his courses into different places over his first few years.)</p>

<p>Your son will be fulfilling all of the other Core Curriculum categories automatically by taking the required courses for his major.</p>

<p>Life & Physical Sciences: CHEM 107 & 117, PHYS 218 & 208. He will exceed the requirement in that category.</p>

<p>Mathematics: MATH 151 & 152.</p>

<p>And so on. </p>

<p>I hope this helps! Unfortunately for you, you are probably correct! Aw! :slight_smile: Unless your son’s Dual Credit ENGL course is ENGL 210, COMM 205, or COMM 243, he will probably not be able to claim it. But don’t feel too bad about it. A lot of kids cannot claim all of their AP credits, dual credits, or whatever. It’s all good. I agree that he should definitely ask about it, just in case there’s a place to squeeze it in. (There are a few ENGL courses under the Creative Arts category. I assume you already looked there.)</p>

<p>Best of luck to your son (and to you)! :slight_smile: </p>