core requirements?

<p>can someone post a decent link for the core on here. I just want to know how many credit points the core consists of and exactly how it works... core +desired major points+ electives= degree correct? about how many elective courses does one take in their 4 years? I wanna explore as many different things outside of my major as possible. grazie~</p>

<p>in CC: core + (124 credits - core) = degree</p>

<p>you technically don’t even need a major. bottom line is you need to reach 124 credits to get a degree. </p>

<p>everything you’ll ever need to know is here [Columbia</a> College Bulletin | Columbia College](<a href=“]Columbia”>Columbia College Bulletin < Columbia College | Columbia University)</p>

<p>thanks. you dont technically need a major- what do you mean by that? are you talking about doing independent study which requires permission or are you saying that I can take the core and then whatever other classes I wish and just get a BA with no major?</p>

<p>you only need a “concentration” (aka a minor) to graduate from CC with a BA, unlike SEAS where you need to declare a major and finish all its requirements to get a BS.</p>

<p>[This</a> might be helpful for you, aCTyankee.](<a href=“]This”></p>

<p>ohh, u r going to GS…nevermind then</p>

<p>yea… theres a bit of a difference in the GS core i notice such as no Phys ed requirement- darn… and it looks like one must declare a major in GS. does anyone know how hard it is to do an individualized major as far as the process is concerned? I want to concentrate on such a wide variety of subjects while somehow combining them into one “major”- sociology, history, english lit, and econ philo</p>