<p>Does anyone know of any classes with textbooks thats cheaper in the store than online..?</p>
<p>For me Mandarin and Macroeconomics have cheaper books over the Internet.</p>
<p>It looks like the packages (for instance, a book with an online code–like the microecon book) seem to be cheaper at the store when you consider the extra stuff you need.</p>
<p>I’m sorry, what was the name of the site again? I didn’t quite catch it…jeez dude, you only mentioned it like five times. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Anyway, as usual, none of my books are cheaper at the Cornell Store! According to the store’s website, they’ll be offering some textbooks for rent this year…I kinda wish they would’ve done that awhile ago.</p>
<p>chegg.com </p>
<p>sameee my books are so expensive this year. I feel bad for the Honors orgo kids, their book package costs 299$… lol…</p>