<p>Do u know the meaning of "Troll"? Would you mind telling me the meaning?</p>
<p>yes...its a guy like U</p>
ok...times have changed since ur relatives went...happy or would the TROLL want me to put it more simply?
<p>Make it more simple... Dont u know that my English is poor....</p>
<p>If thats what you call "to put it more simply" then I think you SHOULD go to an English tutor for learning the difference between "typing in capitals" and "making it simpler". :D</p>
<p>My friends are studying at IIT now. They tell me the same thing. Mostly theoritical education is imparted there, less practical work is involved.</p>
<p>ok...by putting it in caps, i make it easier for u to read...
get it? TROLL!!!!</p>
<p>i think we're done with the intellectual argument...now its getting pwrsonal...so lets stop</p>
<p>This is Hindi Live, 2006! Watch them go at it for no apparent reason!</p>
<p>I never went personal. Check your posts and correct your information.</p>
<p>hey, where's fudgy???
he started this argument on Pge 3!!! and vanished!!!
ahhh...i see he ate his own words...</p>
<p>yo ronty, i think u need to seriously get a brain transplant!!!
correct my info!!!...a few posts back u said u aqgree!!!
some bull abt IIT bein more theoretical...ive been sayin that for ages</p>
<p>I only want to say that it depends upon the individual and not their nationality to achieve something great in Life. Being an Indian or American isnt the main thing. Doing something which will leave an indelible mark on mankind is the most important thing.</p>
<p>it depends on the upbringing/ educational environment</p>
<p>I never agreed with ur comment that IIT is better than Stanford. If you feel so, I wont argue any further. Its not my job to teach people like you what things are right or wrong. You are making it personal dude!</p>
<p>dude my verdict which ive been tryin to say for 10hrs:</p>
<p>IIT- better for under-grads
Stanford- better for post-grads</p>
<p>nice way to say i lost the argument,"i can't change u", eh? :p</p>
<p>aye...i'll assume u'll be a troll throughout ur life and not try correcting u</p>
<p>I dont want to argue with people who dont understand anything what I m saying :)</p>
<p>That proverb radiates wisdom at a level hitherto unknown by the people of Earth.</p>
<p>Good job editing your stupid proverb, ronty. </p>
<p>(ps..he wrote the lamest proverb and then completely erased it and replaced it with the above comment)</p>
<p>"From student applications ALONE...well this year Cornell received about 28000 applications. $70 each means that from applications alone they racked in about $2,000,000 this year."</p>
<p>i just want to point out that this is a ridiculous way of saying they should be rich. first off 2mm is a drop in the bucket of an ivy endowment, not to mention that it takes a ton of staff and resources to handle them. the fact that they "make" twice or 3 times as much in app fees as a smaller ivy is meaningless, since they need a bigger administration to handle it.</p>
<p>as for property and endowment, doesn't having a large chunk of your endowment as property hurt your school, like in columbias case? it is easier to invest cash capital rather than property which your school basically can't sell because it is tied into the university's basic running.</p>
<p>hmm...unless he himself doesn't know what he's saying :p</p>