Cornell RD Class of 2025

Maybe for past years, but if they aren’t even sending in a report this year, I don’t know how admissions would know about the interview?

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are people getting likely letters? If so, it it for something specific like women in engineering or diversity?

For this year I am pretty sure that it is only reported if you had the interview or not, no other report is written. It’s not even considered an interview, more of a conversation. It’s mostly a chance for the student to ask questions about Cornell.

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My daughter had her “interview” last week; it was definitely more of a conversation about Cornell. Interestingly, the alum said he believed that legacy mattered in regular decision too, even though it has been speculated that it only makes a difference in the ED round (my daughter has legacy at Cornell).


I agree that anyone offered an interview should do it. But from everything I have read about college admissions in general (not specific to Cornell), the admissions staff puts little to no weight in the feedback from the interview. That is mostly because alumni (whose experience as an undergrad at that school is distant in time) have very little ability or knowledge to evaluate the applicant within the current context and standards of high school seniors. By all means, go to the interview, show interest and don’t be stupid, but don’t stress out thinking that it will actually be significant in the decision-making process.

I thought Cornell’s website stated clearly that legacy is only taken into account in ED (but maybe it was the CALS admission website that said this?). My daughter is also legacy and applied RD to CALS, and we assume her legacy status is a non-factor.

I was an alumni volunteer for 25 years, including the alumni coordinator/chair for my region. All I can say is that times have changed. When I first started doing interviews, they were actually interviews with a full written report.

The university moved to eliminating the word “interview” quite a few years ago, and calling them “alumni meetings.” The open ended report went away and we were given prompts to answer with word limits.

This cycle, there is no report at all. Just “yes/no” we spoke to the student.

Reason? There are nowhere near enough alumni to meet with all applicants and the university doesn’t want to put anyone at a disadvantage for something totally out of their control.

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Yes, the university says that legacy is only a bump in ED.

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There is no “passing to the interview” phase. Their goal is to try to offer an informational meeting to everyone. This does not count for anything and there is no write up given. If you are not offered an info session it does not mean anything, nor does it mean you have a better chance at acceptance if you are offered one.

Only matters in ED

Not sure if they’re sending likely letters at all this year, and if I recall they do not send them for COE. I forget which schools do it. You can check out old threads to find out. But this year everything is different, so who knows? Anything goes it seems!

it’s just i was direct messaged a few hours ago about them sending LL out already. I applied human ecology so don’t think i would have received one anyway?

Yeah I really don’t know how important interviews are but my older brother got into Cornell last year and while he had the opportunity to get an interview, he decided to decline it for whatever reason.

Also another thing for anyone who is unsure about their chances in Cornell, my brother was like 100% sure he was going to get rejected because he didn’t think he stood out at all with his extracurriculars (most significant one was volunteering at a hospital), but he still got into CAS for biological sciences. There are lots of impressive people who get in, and people who did everything but gets rejected, but I don’t really think you have to be that unique to get in. We honestly won’t know what happens until we get our results, so keep your hopes up!


@srparent15 that’s what I thought too… I guess he is misinformed!

Human Ecology may be the one that sends them, but Engineering doesn’t. Your question related to Women in Engineering though, not Human Ecology, so you may want to follow up on that, although it does seem early. I can’t remember how early they usually send them.

I agree except for Yale this year. The website clearly states that Yale will prioritize interviews for students they need more information on.

Do you guys think Cornell will send “Likely Letters” end of February or in March?

somehow I cannot delete the post. anyway, I didn’t mean to add any stress :slight_smile:

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y’all i had my almuni interview yesterday so if anyone has any questions ab it i got u lol

What is a “likely letter?”